[Ipopt] executing parallel solve with no shared object

nicolas.derhy at gdfsuez.com nicolas.derhy at gdfsuez.com
Tue Dec 17 04:25:47 EST 2013

Hi everybody,

I am using IPOPT in a native C++ application (using the C++ API) where I want to make parallel solves of independent problems.
Since there is no object share, I thought that it would be possible after I read the changelog of IPOPT 3.11 :
        localized global variables in TaggedObject and RegisteredOption,
        so that Ipopt should now be threadsafe as long as Ipopt objects
        (esp. SmartPtr's) are not shared between threads and a threadsafe
        linear solver is used (e.g., MA27) [#167]

But it does not work probably because I am using the default linear solver (MUMPS I suppose).
I look for another linear solver here http://www.coin-or.org/Ipopt/documentation/node13.html and I came to the conclusion that the only free solver allowing parallel solve is MA27.

Is this true or am I missing something ?

Best regards,


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