[Ipopt] How to "explode" a model with variable on multiple dimensions..

Antonello Lobianco antonello at lobianco.org
Wed Jun 27 02:52:41 EDT 2012

 I have to port on Ipopt (using the C++ API) an economic model written in
GAMS, where e.g. in the objective function I have variables like demand for
each p products and each r region, price for each product and region,
exports for each p and r, and so on...
My guess is that I need to "explode" the gams code (where it currently uses
the concept of sets) concatenating all the {p*r*economic variables} in a
single x[] array.
However this is prone to errors, so I wander if there is a better strategy.

Any suggestion, or tutorial that show how (possibly) simple gams/AMPL code
dealing with sets has been ported in C++/IPOPT ?


Antonello Lobianco
INRA, Laboratoire d'Economie Forestière
14 Rue Girardet - 54000 Nancy, France
Tel: +33.652392310
Email: antonello.lobianco at nancy-engref.inra.fr
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