[Ipopt] Linking problems in MinGW

Antonello Lobianco antonello at lobianco.org
Thu Jun 7 09:10:08 EDT 2012

Hello all.
I am new to ipopt and to the list .. and I hope you'll get this email, as I
didn't received any confirmation email from mailman..
Any how, I am trying to build a qmake based program and the code runs well
in Linux, but I need it also in windows.
When I try to link it with the ipopt libraries I previously compiled I got
some 5,000 errors on missing functions in fortran code (e.g.
dmumps_part3.F:-1: error: undefined reference to `_gfortran_st_write').

my qmake looks like:

win32 {

    INCLUDEPATH += win32/include/coin

    INCLUDEPATH += win32/include/coin/ThirdParty

    LIBS += -L win32/lib -lipopt

    LIBS += -L win32/lib -lcoinmetis

    LIBS += -L win32/lib -lcoinmumps

    LIBS += -L win32/lib -lcoinblas

    LIBS += -L win32/lib -lcoinlapack


(where "win32" is a subfolder of my project where I copied the includes and
the libraries from the MinGW compiled one)

I compiled the ipopt with MinGW directly from source following section 2.3
of the tutorial ("Compiling and installing IPOPT"), and I am able to run
the examples.

Any cue?

Antonello Lobianco
INRA, Laboratoire d'Economie Forestière
14 Rue Girardet - 54000 Nancy, France
Tel: +33.652392310
Email: antonello.lobianco at nancy-engref.inra.fr
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