[Ipopt] Problem running Ipopt matlab interface

Paul van Hoven paul.van.hoven at googlemail.com
Fri Jul 6 07:19:13 EDT 2012

Hi, I just successfully compiled and installed ipopt on a linux
machine. Now I'd like to use the matlab interface. Actually everything
works fine, the interface compiles fine without any errors or
warnings, the compiler version GCC 4.2 works also fine with matlab so
there is no warning as well, and the interface is correctly installed.
But when I try to run a simple matlab demo app I get the following

>> IpoptDemo.clusterRunme
Invalid MEX-file '/homes/numerik/paul/lib/Ipopt/MatlabInterface/ipopt.mexa64':
version `GFORTRAN_1.4' not
found (required by

Error in IpoptDemo.runme (line 45)
            [x info] = ipopt(x0,funcs,options);

Error in IpoptDemo.clusterRunme (line 9)

I'm not shure if it helps but these are the first lines of the
makefile for the matlab interface:

MATLAB_HOME =/net/matlab/Matlab2011b
MEXSUFFIX   =mexa64
PATH_TO_IPOPT_COMPILATION= /homes/numerik/paul/lib/Ipopt
SRCDIR = /homes/numerik/paul/lib_src/CoinIpopt/Ipopt/contrib/MatlabInterface/src

MEX = $(MATLAB_HOME)/bin/mex
#Pay attention to add a by your matlab version supported g++
CXX         = /usr/site-local/bin/g++-4.2


MEXFLAGS    = -cxx CC='$(CXX)' CXX='$(CXX)' LD='$(CXX)' -lm
-L$(PATH_TO_IPOPT_COMPILATION)/lib64/coin -lipopt \

-L$(PATH_TO_IPOPT_COMPILATION)/lib64/coin/ThirdParty -lcoinlapack
-lcoinblas -lcoinhsl -lamplsolver \

-L/usr/site-local/lib/gcc/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/4.2.4 -lgfortran
-ldl -largeArrayDims
#Dynamic linking
#MEXFLAGS    = -cxx CC='$(CXX)' CXX='$(CXX)' LD='$(CXX)' -lm
-L$(PATH_TO_IPOPT_COMPILATION)/lib64/coin -lipopt -largeArrayDims

And this was the configure call for configuring ipopt:
../configure --prefix=/homes/numerik/paul/lib/Ipopt \
CXX=/usr/site-local/bin/g++-4.2 \
CC=/usr/site-local/bin/gcc-4.2 \
F77=/usr/bin/gfortran-4.6 \
ADD_CFLAGS="-fPIC -fexceptions" \
ADD_FFLAGS="-fPIC -fexceptions" \

This is what I did so far:
1. I checked that a file called "libgfortran.so.3" is in the directory
2. I added the path to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH which had no effect
3. I added an environment path in matlab itself by
which also had no effect.
4. A simple ipopt demo app written in c++ works fine. So I checked
that the installed ipopt version works.

Any suggestions how I could repair this problem?

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