[Ipopt] missing -lmpi pkg-config with mumps

Ashutosh Mahajan asm4 at lehigh.edu
Sat Feb 25 14:49:05 EST 2012

Hi all,

I compiled ipopt release version 3.10.2 on linux (ubuntu) with MUMPS. MUMPS
was downloaded using get.mumps in ThirdParty directory. It compiles well, but
pkg-config for libcoinmumps doesn't show -lmpi, even though it was compiled
with it. 

[mahajan at mahajan-desktop lib]$ nm libcoinmumps.a  | grep -i mpi_init
                 U mpi_initialized_
0000000000000110 T mpi_init_
0000000000000120 T mpi_initialized_
0000000000000000 T MPI_Init

but pkg-config doesn't show -lmpi,

[mahajan at mahajan-desktop lib]$ pkg-config --libs-only-l coinmumps
-lcoinmumps -lpthread -lblas -lgfortranbegin -lgfortran -lm -lgcc_s  

[mahajan at mahajan-desktop lib]$ pkg-config --libs-only-l ipopt
-lipopt -llapack -ldl -lcoinmumps -lpthread -lblas -lgfortranbegin -lgfortran -lm -lgcc_s  

Is it a bug?  I'm new to pkg-config, so I might be wrong. We are planning to
release some software that links to ipopt. So it is important for us to detect
the right libraries to link with. 

Ashutosh Mahajan

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