[Ipopt] run time constraint violation

Ming Ji finalguy at gmail.com
Tue Apr 3 23:34:25 EDT 2012

--> Starting line search in iteration 2 <--
Mu has changed in line search - resetting watchdog counters.
Acceptable Check:
  overall_error =  3.3081951656527707e+01   acceptable_tol_             =
  dual_inf      =  1.0184827638240758e+03   acceptable_dual_inf_tol_    =
  constr_viol   =  0.0000000000000000e+00   acceptable_constr_viol_tol_ =
  compl_inf     =  4.5618525445151024e+00   acceptable_compl_inf_tol_   =
  curr_obj_val_ =  2.7727963512437492e-01   last_obj_val                =
  fabs(curr_obj_val_-last_obj_val_)/Max(1., fabs(curr_obj_val_)) =
 1.4488503323319196e-01 acceptable_obj_change_tol_ =  1.0000000000000000e+20
test iter = 2
The current filter has 0 entries.
Relative step size for delta_x = 1.790897e-01
minimal step size ALPHA_MIN = 6.253269E-14
Starting checks for alpha (primal) = 1.00e+00

On Tue, Apr 3, 2012 at 9:02 PM, Ming Ji <finalguy at gmail.com> wrote:

> I am trying to solve a NLP problem with IPOPT. I noticed that constraints
> can be violated during the optimization. I need to take sqrt to estimate
> one term in my target function. So it is natural to add a constraint to
> make sure the sqrt calculation is always valid. However, during the
> iterations, IPOPT use some trial parameters that violate this constraint.
> The optimization almost always terminates before it finds any solution. Any
> work around for this?
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