[Ipopt] Advanced Step

Dominik Skanda Dominik.Skanda at biologie.uni-freiburg.de
Fri May 20 07:26:16 EDT 2011

Hello I'm
trying to use the Advanced Step Controller within my application.
I now have the problem that if my optimization problem gets solved (e.g
by warm start) istantly (i.e. it has already the correct solution) than
the advaned step fails and I get a segmentation fault for the reading
out of the primal and dual perturbed variables. Is there a way to check
if the Advaned Step controller did performed or not.
There is this comments in code:

// Check whether AsNMPC Algorithm aborted internally 
			//bool nmpc_internal_abort;
			//options_->GetBoolValue("nmpc_internal_abort", nmpc_internal_abort,

But uncommenting doesn't work since the variable "options_" is nowhere

Many thanks for help and kind regards


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