[Ipopt] Linear Constraints at Ipopt

Wendel Alexandre Xavier de Melo wendelalexandre at gmail.com
Tue Mar 22 10:36:31 EDT 2011

Hi people

I am working about a problem optimization wich has linear constraints. I
have implemented these constraints like as the other (nonlinear) constraints
using C++ interface (in methods eval_g and eval_jac_g of my TNLP class).
However, I have saw, in the TNLP class, there is a method for constraints
linearity (get_constraints_linearity). I would like to ask if is possible
implementing my linear constraints using this method (instead of implemeting
in eval_g). If yes, do I need include these constraints in the jacobian
information, or the first derivative of these constraints is gotten in a
automatic way? Again if yes, there is any convergence advantage in codifying
at this way?

I am sorry if is a dummie question, but there is no example using the method

Wendel Alexandre Melo
Master degree student
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
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