[Ipopt] warm_ start error at initial iterates

Wendel Alexandre Xavier de Melo wendelalexandre at gmail.com
Sat Mar 5 21:14:40 EST 2011

Hi people

I need a help. I am using IPOPT 3.9.1 at C interface and I am having
problems for use the warm start option.

I am setting the option "warm_start_init_point" to "yes" like is
written in the tutorial. I am passing the initial lagrange multipliers
values vector at the function IpoptSolve at the fifth, sixth and
seventh parameters, but I have gotten the following error:

Exception of type: FAILED_INITIALIZATION in file
"../../../Ipopt/src/Algorithm/IpoptAlg.cpp" at line 549: Exception
message: retval evaluated false: Error while obtaining initial

Does anyone have any idea what is happening and what I can do for correct this?


Wendel Alexandre Melo
master degree student
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

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