[Ipopt] F77_FUNC cannot be used ...

Stefan Vigerske stefan at math.hu-berlin.de
Tue Jan 25 10:13:26 EST 2011


it seems as if the Fortran name-mangling scheme is not recognized by
configure, otherwise F77_FUNC should be defined.
There should be a line like

checking for Fortran name-mangling scheme... lower case, underscore, no
extra underscore

in the output of configure.
Which Fortran compiler do you use? Is it recognized correctly by configure?
What is the output of configure in the Ipopt directory?


Am 25.01.2011 15:35, schrieb Roger Koenker:
> I'm new to Ipopt, and trying to install 3.9.2 on a macpro 10.6.6.  Using the recommended 
> 	 ../configure ADD_FFLAGS="-mmacosx-version-min=10.4"
> configuration ends normally, but make produces lots of messages like this:
> ../../../../Ipopt/src/LinAlg/IpBlas.cpp: In function 'void Ipopt::IpBlasDtrsm(bool, Ipopt::Index, Ipopt::Index, Ipopt::Number, const Ipopt::Number*, Ipopt::Index, Ipopt::Number*, Ipopt::Index)':
> ../../../../Ipopt/src/LinAlg/IpBlas.cpp:211: error: 'dtrsm' was not declared in this scope
> ../../../../Ipopt/src/LinAlg/IpBlas.cpp:211: error: 'DTRSM' was not declared in this scope
> ../../../../Ipopt/src/LinAlg/IpBlas.cpp:211: error: 'F77_FUNC' cannot be used as a function
> I don't see any WARNINGS in the config.log file as reported in:
> 	http://negfeedback.blogspot.com/2009_12_01_archive.html
> Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
> Roger Koenker
> rkoenker at illinois.edu
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Stefan Vigerske
Humboldt University Berlin, Numerical Mathematics

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