[Ipopt] Error message when using the matlab interface

Paul van Hoven paul.van.hoven at googlemail.com
Mon Feb 28 10:27:15 EST 2011

Hi Peter!

I tried to build the matlab interface after I compiled Ipopt and 
installed it.

I think you mean $COINIPOPT/Ipopt/contrib/MatlabInterface or 
Ipopt/contrib/MatlabInterface-Old instead of Ipopt/contrib/Matlab/src 
(this one does not exist on my machine, even after compilation of 
ipopt). Within the first directory I got the "src" folder that contains 
a Makefile.in. If I execute configure in $COINIPOPT/build this way

../configure --prefix=/homes/numerik/hoven/Mex/Ipopt \
CXX=/usr/site-local/bin/g++-4.2 \
CC=/usr/site-local/bin/gcc-4.2 \
F77=/usr/site-local/bin/gfortran-4.2 \
ADD_CXXFLAGS="-fPIC -fexceptions" \
ADD_CFLAGS="-fPIC -fexceptions" \
ADD_FFLAGS="-fPIC -fexceptions" \

make install

The variable MATLAB_HOME in 
$COINIPOPT/Ipopt/contrib/MatlabInterface/src/Makefile.in is correctly 
set but the other variables remain undefined and the Makefile remains a 
Makefile.in and I cannot execute it.

After configure/make the Makefile looks like this:

$COINIPOPT/Ipopt/contrib/MatlabInterface/src> cat Makefile.in
comments omitted...
MATLAB_HOME = /net/matlab/Matlab2009b

# Set the suffix for matlab mex files. The contents of the
# $(MATLAB_HOME)/extern/examples/mex directory might be able to help
# you in your choice.
MEXSUFFIX   = mexa64

# This is the command used to call the mex program. Usually, it is
# just "mex". But it also may be something like
# /user/local/R2006b/bin/mex if "mex" doesn't work.
MEX = $(MATLAB_HOME)/bin/mex

# Do not modify anything below unless you know what you're doing.
exec_prefix = @exec_prefix@
prefix      = @prefix@
libdir      = @libdir@/coin

CXX         = @CXX@


# Include directories (we use the CYGPATH_W variables to allow 
compilation with Windows compilers)
  INCL = -I`$(CYGPATH_W) @abs_include_dir@/coin` @IPOPTLIB_CFLAGS_INSTALLED@

# Linker flags
  ifeq ($(COIN_CXX_IS_CL), TRUE)
    LIBS = /link /libpath:`$(CYGPATH_W) @abs_lib_dir@` libipopt.lib 
    LIBS = -L at abs_lib_dir@ -lipopt @IPOPTLIB_LIBS_INSTALLED@

# The following is necessary under cygwin, if native compilers are used

MEXFLAGS    = -v -cxx -O CC="$(CXX)" CXX="$(CXX)" LD="$(CXX)"       \

OBJS   = matlabexception. at OBJEXT@      \
         matlabfunctionhandle. at OBJEXT@ \
         matlabjournal. at OBJEXT@        \
         iterate. at OBJEXT@              \
         ipoptoptions. at OBJEXT@         \
         options. at OBJEXT@              \
         sparsematrix. at OBJEXT@         \
         callbackfunctions. at OBJEXT@    \
         matlabinfo. at OBJEXT@           \
         matlabprogram. at OBJEXT@        \
         ipopt. at OBJEXT@

SRCDIR = @srcdir@

all: $(TARGET)

install: $(TARGET)
    if test -d $(libdir); then : ; else mkdir $(libdir); fi
    cp $(SRCDIR)/../ipopt.m $(TARGET) $(libdir)

    rm -f $(libdir)/ipopt.m $(libdir)/ipopt.$(MEXSUFFIX)

    $(MEX) $(MEXFLAGS) $(LIBS) -output $@ $^

%. at OBJEXT@: %.cpp
    $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCL) -I$(MATLAB_HOME)/extern/include \
        -o $@ -c $^

    rm -f $(OBJS) $(TARGET)

distclean: clean

and the command make returns:
 > make
make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.


Peter Carbonetto schrieb:
> Paul,
>    Normally when you build the IPOPT libraries, it will automatically 
> create a Makefile in that Ipopt/contrib/Matlab/src directory, wherever 
> you specified the target dirctory. Did you look in there after 
> building the library?
> Peter Carbonetto, Ph.D.
> Postdoctoral Fellow
> Dept. of Human Genetics
> University of Chicago
>> I downloaded Ipopt and got it compiled on a Linux 64 bit machine. I put
>> the compiled Ipopt stuff into "~/Mex/Ipopt" which contains the following
>> subdirectories:
>> bin  include  lib  share
>> Since I use matlab 7.9 (2009b 64Bit) I wanted to compile the matlab
>> interface. The interface is located in
>> $COINOPT/Ipopt/contrib/MatlabInterface/src.
>> Within that directory should be a Makefile but instead I only found a
>> Makefile.in file which was completely useless since all variables in
>> that file weren't set. Therefore I created a Makefile on my own. This is
>> the Makefile:
>> MATLAB_HOME = /net/matlab/Matlab2009b
>> MEXSUFFIX   = mexa64
>> PATH_TO_IPOPT_COMPILATION=/homes/numerik/

>> /Mex/Ipopt
>> SRCDIR = 
>> /homes/numerik/hoven/CoinIpopt/Ipopt/contrib/MatlabInterface/src
>> ############################################################################################### 
>> MEX = $(MATLAB_HOME)/bin/mex
>> #Pay attention to add a by your matlab version supported g++
>> CXX         = /usr/site-local/bin/g++-4.2
>> -I$(MATLAB_HOME)/extern/include
>> #Static linking
>> MEXFLAGS    = -cxx CC='$(CXX)' CXX='$(CXX)' LD='$(CXX)' -lm
>> -L$(PATH_TO_IPOPT_COMPILATION)/lib/coin -lipopt
>> -L$(PATH_TO_IPOPT_COMPILATION)/lib/coin/ThirdParty -lcoinlapack
>> -lcoinblas -lcoinhsl -lamplsolver \
>>                -L/usr/site-local/lib/gcc/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/4.2.4
>> -lgfortran -ldl -largeArrayDims
>> #Dynamic linking
>> #MEXFLAGS    = -cxx CC='$(CXX)' CXX='$(CXX)' LD='$(CXX)' -lm
>> -L$(PATH_TO_IPOPT_COMPILATION)/lib/coin -lipopt -largeArrayDims
>> TARGET = ipopt.$(MEXSUFFIX)
>> OBJS   = matlabjournal.o        \
>>         matlabexception.o      \
>>         matlabfunctionhandle.o \
>>         iterate.o              \
>>         ipoptoptions.o         \
>>         options.o              \
>>         sparsematrix.o         \
>>         callbackfunctions.o    \
>>         matlabinfo.o           \
>>         matlabprogram.o        \
>>         ipopt.o
>> all: $(TARGET)
>> install: $(TARGET)
>>        if test -d $(DESTINATION_DIR); then : ; else mkdir
>>        cp $(SRCDIR)/../ipopt.m $(TARGET) $(DESTINATION_DIR)
>>        cp -r $(SRCDIR)/../examples $(DESTINATION_DIR)
>> uninstall:
>>        rm -f $(DESTINATION_DIR)/ipopt.m
>> $(TARGET): $(OBJS)
>>        $(MEX) $(MEXFLAGS) -output $@ $^
>> %.o: %.cpp
>>        $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) -o $@ -c $^
>> clean:
>>        rm -f $(OBJS) $(TARGET)
>> distclean: clean
>> As you can see I used the setting static linking which I noticed makes
>> no difference to dynamic linking in terms of the error I encounter when
>> using matlab. Anyway the compilation process works fine and the matlab
>> interface is placed in a custom directory called "MatlabInterface"
>> underneth ~/Mex/Ipopt. The directory contents look like this:
>> ~/Mex/Ipopt/MatlabInterface> ls
>> examples  ipopt.m  ipopt.mexa64
>> examples is a directory containing some matlab m-files for testing ipopt
>> matlab interface.
>> Then I started matlab to run the test matlab program to check that the
>> interface works. So I did the following
>> matlab -nodisplay(enter)
>> < M A T L A B (R) >
>> Copyright 1984-2009 The MathWorks, Inc.
>> Version (R2009b) 64-bit (glnxa64)
>> August 12, 2009
>>  To get started, type one of these: helpwin, helpdesk, or demo.
>>  For product information, visit www.mathworks.com.
>> >> cd ~/Mex/Ipopt/MatlabInterface/examples/
>> >> pwd
>> ans =
>> /homes/numerik/hoven/Mex/Ipopt/MatlabInterface/examples
>> >> addpath /homes/numerik/hoven/Mex/Ipopt/MatlabInterface
>> >> examplelasso
>> ****************************************************************************** 
>> This program contains Ipopt, a library for large-scale nonlinear
>> optimization.
>> Ipopt is released as open source code under the Eclipse Public License
>> (EPL).
>>         For more information visit http://projects.coin-or.org/Ipopt
>> ****************************************************************************** 
>> This is Ipopt version 3.9.2, running with linear solver ma27.
>> Function "mxGetJc_700" is obsolete in file "compat32.cpp", line 292.
>> (64-bit mex files using sparse matrices must be rebuilt with the
>> "-largeArrayDims" option.  See the R2006b release notes for more 
>> details.)
>> Exception of type: IpoptException in file "Unknown File" at line -1:
>> Exception message: Unknown Exception caught in Ipopt
>> Solution:
>>     0
>>     0
>>     0
>>     0
>>     0
>>     0
>>     0
>>     0
>> >>
>> I find this message quite strange since I added the "-largeArrayDims"
>> option in the Mex compiler flags. Even so I get this error. Why?
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