[Ipopt] Project file for QtCreator
Paul Smith
phhs80 at gmail.com
Wed Feb 23 06:26:38 EST 2011
Is there some place where one can find information on how to configure
an IDE to use with Ipopt? Or are we condemned to use the makefiles
provided by the Ipopt distribution? Is somebody here using Ipopt with
a C++ IDE? If so, could you please post your project file?
On Tue, Feb 22, 2011 at 11:11 AM, Paul Smith <phhs80 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks, Stefan, for your reply. However, the point is not how to
> construct examples of C++ code that use Ipopt; the point is how to
> compile the C++ program from inside QtCreator. What are the
> - the include paths,
> - the libs paths
> to add?
> At the moment, I have the following .pro file, but I get a bunch of errors:
> -------------------------------------------------
> QT -= core \
> gui
> #TARGET = teste
> CONFIG += console
> CONFIG -= app_bundle
> CONFIG += static
> CONFIG += O3
> TEMPLATE = app
> INCLUDEPATH += /home/psmith/Desktop/Ipopt-3.9.2/include/coin
> INCLUDEPATH += /home/psmith/Desktop/Ipopt-3.9.2/include/coin/ThirdParty
> SOURCES += \
> main.cpp \
> hs071_nlp.cpp
> LIBS += /home/psmith/Desktop/Ipopt-3.9.2/lib/coin
> LIBS += /home/psmith/Desktop/Ipopt-3.9.2/lib/coin/ThirdParty
> #QMAKE_LFLAGS_RELEASE += -Wl,-O3 -g0 -fopenmp -static
> QMAKE_LFLAGS_RELEASE += -Wl,-O3 -g0 -fopenmp
> #-fopenmp -static
> HEADERS += \
> hs071_nlp.h
> -------------------------------------------------
> Any ideas?
> Paul
> On Tue, Feb 22, 2011 at 9:59 AM, Stefan Vigerske
> <stefan at math.hu-berlin.de> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Ipopt comes with examples on how to use it from C, C++, and Fortran, e.g.
>> https://projects.coin-or.org/Ipopt/browser/releases/3.9.2/Ipopt/examples/Cpp_example
>> Stefan
>> Am 22.02.2011 00:31, schrieb Paul Smith:
>>> Dear All,
>>> I am trying to use Ipopt in my C++ programs, which I write using
>>> QtCreator. Could someone please post here an example of a project file
>>> in order to have Ipopt working inside C++ programs? I am using Linux.
>>> Thanks in advance,
>>> Paul
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