[Ipopt] Slack too small, adjusting variable bound

Per-Ola Larsson perola at control.lth.se
Fri Feb 18 03:30:42 EST 2011


When solving my optimization problem in IPOPT I often get messages of 
the kind

In iteration X, 1 Slack too small, adjusting variable bound.

What is the origin of this error? Is my problem badly scaled? What can I 
do to not get this error?

Best regards,
Per-Ola Larsson, MScEE, PhD Student

Dept. of Automatic Control     E-mail: per-ola.larsson at control.lth.se
Lund University                WWW:    www.control.lth.se/~perola	
Box 118                        Phone:  +46 (0)46 - 222 87 93	
S-221 00 Lund, Sweden          Fax:    +46 (0)46 - 13 81 18	

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