[Ipopt] Setting initial feasible point

Akshay Gupte akshayg at gatech.edu
Sat Apr 9 18:22:52 EDT 2011

Hi all,
I am using the AMPL interface for solving my NLPs using Ipopt. I would like to set a starting point for Ipopt. How do I go about it ? I tried the usual AMPL syntax :
let {i in I} x[i] := startval[i];

Although, this works with other NLP solvers, Ipopt does not seem to recognize this initial point. I read that initial feasible points are handled differently by interior point solvers to ensure that they are not too close to the boundary. Do I need to set any warm starting parameters, bound_frac etc. ? 

Any help is much appreciated.

Akshay Gupte
PhD student, Operations Research
Georgia Institute of Technology
akshayg at gatech.edu

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