[Ipopt] intermediate_callback

Jochen Siehr Jochen.Siehr at iwr.uni-heidelberg.de
Mon Jul 19 12:01:24 EDT 2010

Hi everybody:

I'm using IPOPT for my PhD project. For getting access to the primal
variables after every iteration I'm using the method
"intermediate_callback" (as suggested in earlier discussions in this
mailing list) similar to

OrigIpoptNLP* orignlp =
TNLPAdapter* tnlp_adapter =

double *x_current = new double[n];
tnlp_adapter->ResortX(*(GetRawPtr(ip_data->curr()->x())), x_current);

for (Index i=0;i<n;i++)
cout << x_current[i] << endl;

delete[] x_current;
// ---------------------

In IPOPT 3.6.0 everything works fine. But when I update to IPOPT 3.8.1
the following error occurs during compilation

In member function 'virtual bool
my_NLP::intermediate_callback(Ipopt::AlgorithmMode, Ipopt::Index,
Ipopt::Number, Ipopt::Number, Ipopt::Number, Ipopt::Number,
Ipopt::Number, Ipopt::Number, Ipopt::Number, Ipopt::Number,
Ipopt::Index, const Ipopt::IpoptData*, Ipopt::IpoptCalculatedQuantities*)':
my_problem.cpp:1510: error: invalid use of incomplete type 'const struct
/home/jsiehr/Ipopt-3.8.1/include/coin/IpTNLP.hpp:23: error: forward
declaration of 'const struct Ipopt::IpoptData'

which obviously means
"tnlp_adapter->ResortX(*(GetRawPtr(ip_data->curr()->x())), x_current);"
is not working anymore. I guess a change in ip_data causes the problem
but I cannot figure out how to solve it.

Is there any short explanation and remedy, or even an easier way to the
current variables by now?

Many thanks!

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