[Ipopt] Can PARDISO 4.0 work with ipopt in windows?

York Tang hkyork at gmail.com
Thu Feb 18 14:02:05 EST 2010

Dear Teeter,

I have tried your step, but still crash when the solver start (do not print
any msg from the process)

Here is what i have done.

1. First i download the( INTEL, 32-bit, icc/ifort 10.1 Windows) (with MKL
BLAS) Version of PARDISO.
It has 4
2. I named the "libpardiso400_INTEL_IA32.dll" to "libpardiso.dll". Put it
next to my exe. (my exe can detect the licence is wrong, if i input a
invalid licence file)
3. And do all the thing that you mentioned. and replace the old Ipopt38.dll
with the new one.

Where is my problem?
Also What i need to do with the
libpardiso400_INTEL_IA32.lib,libiomp5md.dll,PARDISO_Template.zip? (if i just
want to use the PARDISO with ipopt)
Thank you so much for your help!


2010/2/18 Teeter, Chuck <cteeter at suncor.com>

> York,
> PARDISO does indeed work with IPOPT.  I had an experience similar to
> yours, but this is how I fixed it:
> 1.  At the top of the IPOPT source file IpPardisoSolverInterface.cpp,
> add the following preprocessor definition if it does not already exist:
> #endif
> 2.  In the same source file, remove the F77_FUNC() macro definition from
> ALL references to functions PARDISOINIT() and PARDISO().  For example,
> instead of the original function prototype:
> void F77_FUNC(pardisoinit,PARDISOINIT) (void* PT, const ipfint* MTYPE,
>                                                    const ipfint*
>                                                    ipfint* IPARM,
>                                                    double* DPARM,
>                                                    ipfint* ERROR );
> Use the following version instead:
> void PARDISOINIT(void* PT, const ipfint* MTYPE,
>                                                    const ipfint*
>                                                    ipfint* IPARM,
>                                                    double* DPARM,
>                                                    ipfint* ERROR );
> I commented out the original references and created the modified
> versions to be used instead.  Do the same for all function calls as
> well, and this should fix your problem after rebuilding IPOPT.
> One final point: If you haven't already done so, remember to define
> source file IpoptConfig.h
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Olaf.Schenk at unibas.ch [mailto:Olaf.Schenk at unibas.ch]
> Sent: Thursday, February 18, 2010 2:27 AM
> To: York Tang
> Cc: ipopt at list.coin-or.org; Teeter, Chuck
> Subject: Re: [Ipopt] Can PARDISO 4.0 work with ipopt in windows?
> York,
> The PARDISO 4.0.0 DLL is working correctly with IPOPT. I am copying
> Chuck Teeter in this email since he is actually using IPOPT and PARDISO
> on Windows.
> Olaf
>  Tang <hkyork at gmail.com>:
> > Dear all,
> >
> > Recently i tried to download PARDISO dll from its website, after i
> > provided its license file , the program crashed.
> > Can PARDISO 4.0 work with ipopt in windows? the ipopt documentation
> > said no , but someone in the mail archive said yes.
> > Which one is correct? if yes, what i need to set, after i have the dll
> > and the license file.
> > thank you
> >
> > York
> >
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