[Ipopt] infeasible start-solution
Claudia Stangl
claudia.stangl at uni-duisburg-essen.de
Fri Feb 12 05:44:11 EST 2010
I've got a lack of understanding:
The objective function of my problem is only 1, so there is nothing to
optimize and I'am only interested in feasibility.
When solving the problem I get a feasible solution.
If I use this feasible solution as starting point in the function
get_starting_point IPOPT needs further 8 iterations to solve the problem
and to get (another) feasible solution. I gave the starting point to
IPOPT with setprecision(20) so that I think that it is correct enough.
Further more you can see in the output that the mistake before iteration
0 is less than 1^-9 and then it gets bigger. Why is this (feasible)
point not feasible bevore iteration0?
Can somebody explain this phenomenon?
I use Ipopt version 3.8.1, running with linear solver mumps.
It would be very nice to get an answer!
kind regards
claudia stangl
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