[Ipopt] followup of ipopt compilation on Max OSX 10.6

Paulo Mota pmota at dq.fct.unl.pt
Mon Dec 13 15:09:26 EST 2010

Here is the config options that work correctly with ipopt-3.8.2:

./configure --with-blas="-framework vecLib" --with-lapack="-framework vecLib" \
F77=gfortran FLIBS='-L/usr/local/lib' ADD_FFLAGS="-O3 -ftree-vectorize -m64" \
ADD_CFLAGS="-O3 -ftree-vectorize -arch x86_64 -m64" \
ADD_CXXFLAGS="-O3 -ftree-vectorize -m64"

I must say that when I run configure I always get this sort of messages

./configure: line 320: test: /Library/Application: binary operator expected
./configure: line 320: test: /Library/Application: binary operator expected


./configure: line 319: test: /Library/Application: binary operator expected
./configure: line 319: test: /Library/Application: binary operator expected


But the configuration is successful.

Paulo Mota

(P.S. Why the hell I am I not getting this message myself?)

Jose Paulo Mota
Chemistry Department
Requimte/CQFB - FCT/UNL
Faculdade de Ciencias e Tecnologia
Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Quinta da Torre
2829-516 Caparica
Tel.: 00351 212948300 (Ext.10961)
Fax: 00351 212948385
E-mail: pmota at dq.fct.unl.pt

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