[Ipopt] Observe Nonlinear Constraints in IPOPT's output

Drosos Kourounis drosos at stanford.edu
Fri Apr 23 16:04:23 EDT 2010

Dear all,
does anybody know if it is possible to have nonlinear-constraints at each IPOPT's iteration appear on output. In many cases where the number of the nonlinear-contraints is just one or lets say bounded < 5, there should be a print_level which would allow us to see the value of the constraints 'g' next to the objective. I checked all print_levels and I didn't see anything like that. I guess that print_level more than 5 is hardly going to be used by anybody else but the developers themselves. However, it would be nice to see how and to what extent our constraints are violated at some print_level.

Any ideas?


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