[Ipopt] ipopt - Multiple calls
Suresh Pamujula
suresh.pamujula at gmail.com
Wed Apr 22 20:05:23 EDT 2009
Hi Andreas -
The problem is not infeasible. I ran it with different lower bound and it
gave me an answer I expected.
Also, if I run the loop 10 times with same constraint bounds, e.g., g_L[0] =
0.065, I don't get any
infeasible solution, but I get correct solution everytime.
On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 7:10 PM, Andreas Waechter
<andreasw at watson.ibm.com>wrote:
> Hi Suresh,
> Maybe this is not an error, maybe your problem is indeed infeasible if you
> increase the lower bound on the first constraint...? Do you also get the
> same behavior if you run the loop 10 times but always set the same
> constraint bounds, e.g., g_L[0] = 0.065, or even relax it as j increases, as
> g_L[0] = 0.065 - j*0.05 ?
> Andreas
> On Tue, 21 Apr 2009, Suresh Pamujula wrote:
> More on multiple calls to IpoptSolve(...)
>> I get following error when the function is invoked second time.
>> EXIT: Converged to a point of local infeasibility. Problem may be
>> infeasible.
>> Attached is the code for your quick reference.
>> Here is code snippet ......
>> .................
>> .................
>> Index j; /* generic counter */
>> for (j=0;j<10;j++) { /* Basically want to execute IpoptSolve 10 times
>> with different values on constraints */
>> /* Number of nonzeros in the Jacobian of the constraints */
>> Index nele_jac = 6;
>> /* Number of nonzeros in the Hessian of the Lagrangian (lower or
>> upper triangual part only) */
>> Index nele_hess = 6;
>> /* indexing style for matrices */
>> Index index_style = 0; /* C-style; start counting of rows and column
>> indices at 0 */
>> /* set the number of variables and allocate space for the bounds */
>> n=3;
>> x_L = (Number*)malloc(sizeof(Number)*n);
>> x_U = (Number*)malloc(sizeof(Number)*n);
>> /* set the values for the variable bounds */
>> for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
>> x_L[i] = 0.0;
>> x_U[i] = 1.0;
>> }
>> /* set the number of constraints and allocate space for the bounds */
>> m=2;
>> g_L = (Number*)malloc(sizeof(Number)*m);
>> g_U = (Number*)malloc(sizeof(Number)*m);
>> /* set the values of the constraint bounds */
>> g_L[0] = 0.065 + j*0.05; /* increment return by 5% */
>> g_U[0] = 2e19;
>> g_L[1] = 1;
>> g_U[1] = 1;
>> /* create the IpoptProblem */
>> nlp = CreateIpoptProblem(n, x_L, x_U, m, g_L, g_U, nele_jac, nele_hess,
>> index_style, &eval_f, &eval_g, &eval_grad_f,
>> &eval_jac_g, &eval_h);
>> /* We can free the memory now - the values for the bounds have been
>> copied internally in CreateIpoptProblem */
>> free(x_L);
>> free(x_U);
>> free(g_L);
>> free(g_U);
>> /* Set some options. Note the following ones are only examples,
>> they might not be suitable for your problem. */
>> AddIpoptNumOption(nlp, "tol", 1e-7);
>> AddIpoptStrOption(nlp, "mu_strategy", "adaptive");
>> AddIpoptStrOption(nlp, "output_file", "ipopt.out");
>> /* allocate space for the initial point and set the values */
>> x = (Number*)malloc(sizeof(Number)*n);
>> x[0] = 0.2;
>> x[1] = 0.4;
>> x[2] = 0.4;
>> /* allocate space to store the bound multipliers at the solution */
>> mult_x_L = (Number*)malloc(sizeof(Number)*n);
>> mult_x_U = (Number*)malloc(sizeof(Number)*n);
>> /* solve the problem */
>> status = IpoptSolve(nlp, x, NULL, &obj, NULL, mult_x_L, mult_x_U, NULL);
>> if (status == Solve_Succeeded) {
>> printf("\n\nSolution of the primal variables, x\n");
>> for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
>> printf("x[%d] = %e\n", i, x[i]);
>> }
>> printf("\n\nSolution of the bound multipliers, z_L and z_U\n");
>> for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
>> printf("z_L[%d] = %e\n", i, mult_x_L[i]);
>> }
>> for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
>> printf("z_U[%d] = %e\n", i, mult_x_U[i]);
>> }
>> printf("\n\nObjective value\n");
>> printf("f(x*) = %e\n", obj);
>> }
>> /* free allocated memory */
>> FreeIpoptProblem(nlp);
>> free(x);
>> free(mult_x_L);
>> free(mult_x_U);
>> }
>> ...........................
>> ...........................
>> ..........................
>> On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 11:57 AM, Suresh Pamujula <
>> suresh.pamujula at gmail.com
>>> wrote:
>> On 4/20/09, Suresh Pamujula <suresh.pamujula at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hello -
>>>> I want to inquire if there is a way to invoke functions
>>>> CreateIpoptProblem(....)
>>>> and
>>>> IpoptSolve(...)
>>>> multiple times with different lower bound on one of the constraints.
>>>> I tried to call within a for loop, but it gives me "infeasible solution"
>>>> when it
>>>> is invoked second time.
>>>> Any help is truly appreciated.
>>>> suresh
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