[Coin-ipopt] derivative checker

Liliya Kharevych lilyukma at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 3 01:26:50 EST 2008

I figured out what was the issue with the derivative_test. For my problem I need to change the value of the point_perturbation_radius option to something smaller than default 10.

However my program still crashes whenever I delete TNLP child class..


----- Original Message ----
From: Liliya Kharevych <lilyukma at yahoo.com>
To: coin-ipopt mailing list <coin-ipopt at list.coin-or.org>
Sent: Sunday, December 30, 2007 5:51:03 PM
Subject: [Coin-ipopt] derivative checker


I am trying to use derivative_test option (with Ipopt 3.3.3 compliled
 for VS8), and whenever it does derivative test, instead of using my
 starting point, it uses values which are very far away from the starting
 point, but still are some reasonable numbers. When the solve is starting
 it uses the correct values. I tried to both set and not set
 derivative_test_perturbation option but it does not seem to change anything. Is
 there are another way to give starting point for derivative checker?

Another problem is that whenever I try to destroy the class that
 inherits TNLP, my program crashes somewhere in Ipopt. Do you think this
 happens because SmartPtr<IpoptApplication> is a member of that class, or for
 some other reason? 

Thank you, 

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