[Ipopt] Using ipopt with PARDISO

Fabian Wein fabian.wein at lse.e-technik.uni-erlangen.de
Thu Aug 21 08:36:39 EDT 2008

Hi Renata,

> Ok, I will do what you suggest. I think Intel's MKL is not good for ipopt 
> (as I read somewhere) but I will get one of the others soon.

Intel's MKL consists of BLAS/LAPACK and mkl_solver (= Pardiso).

It is known, that the MKL-Pardiso don't work (I wonder if this is still
true for the newest MKL) but you can use MKL_BLAS/LAPACK with the
"academic Pardiso".

> Anyway, for now I just wanted to compare ipopt with MA27 vs. ipopt 
> with PARDISO in terms of robustness. I suppose the optimized BLAS/LAPACK 
> don't change the results, just the CPU time, am I right?

The BLAS shouldn't make a difference. But at least for gcc 4.3 on 
Linux 64bit
I was not able to use MA27 with MKL BLAS/LAPACK and I also was not able
to link with the "academic Pardiso".


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