[Coin-ipopt] Fortran Code of IPOPT

Andreas Waechter andreasw at watson.ibm.com
Mon Nov 12 17:13:40 EST 2007

Hi Eduardo

The Fortran version of Ipopt is not longer actively maintained and not 
available via subversion (e.g., TortoiseSVN).

If you really wanted to, you can still download the source code for the 
old Fortran version of Ipopt as tarball, from


However, unless you have good reasons, you probably would want to use the 
new C++ version of Ipopt.  The Ipopt documentation includes instructions 
on how to install and use it on MS-Windows, see, e.g.,


Both Ipopt versions come with Fortran examples.

I hope this helps.


On Fri, 9 Nov 2007, Eduardo - Agrimport wrote:

> Dear,
> I have been struggling to download the FORTRAN source code of IPOPT, but
> with no success.
> I have tried TortoiseSVN and web browser, but I could not get it.
> What do I do? Or what am I doing wrong?
> My plan is to use it as a non-linear solver for a data reconciliation problem,
> typical in chemical engineering problems under MS-Windows platform.
> Does the FORTRAN code come with examples?  Thank you
> Regards,
> Eduardo

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