[Coin-ipopt] LBFGS two additional functions missing in Java interface

tongkewei tongkewei at 126.com
Fri Nov 9 01:44:55 EST 2007

Hello,Andreas or Rafael or someone use Java version of IPOPT, 

    I am now using Java interface of IPOPT, I find I can use limited-memory option to approximate Hession, but two additional functions get_number_of_nonlinear_variable() and get_list_of_nonlinear_variable(...) are missing in Java interface. Though without these two methods, LBFGS version can also works, but I think it will be usefull to add in these two methods, what's your opinions?
    By the way, I use Visual Studio.net to generate these java jni dll, which is small than the dll supplied by Rafael, 1.66MB vs 4.35MB, I think maybe it is the linear algorithm lib used. I use ma27, Rafael use MUMPS, on my computer, ma27 is faster than MUMPS.

Tong Kewei
Beihang University.
Beijing, China

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