[Coin-ipopt] minor release 3.2.1

Andreas Waechter andreasw at watson.ibm.com
Fri Jul 14 14:28:20 EDT 2006


1. I fixed a bug that lead to segmentation faults, particularly when the 
limited-memory approximation was used (and the algorithm switched to the 
restoration phase).  I think some users had problems with this, and 
hopefully this fixes most of the issues.

The fixed code is already available via subversion, and tomorrow's tarball 
will also contain the new version.

2. One thing that has recently changed on COIN is the URL to the 
subversion repository, and I realized I never pointed this out.  The URL 
now contains "projects.coin-or.org" (formerly www.coin-or.org), so that 
the checkout command is

svn co https://projects.coin-or.org/svn/Ipopt/trunk Coin-Ipopt

If you have an svn working copy with the old URL, you can adapt the URL by 
copying the following lines into a file, make that file executable, and 
run it in the lowest directory of your checkout (lowest meaning closest to 
root "/" :)

---- 8< ----------------------------

foreach file (`find . -name entries`)
   sed -e 's/www.coin-or.org/projects.coin-or.org/' $file >bla
   mv -f bla $file
---- 8< ----------------------------

3. Some of you have used the (unstable!) development branch of Ipopt. 
Today, the name has been changed from "branches/dev" to "branches/devel" 
in conformance with the new COIN-OR naming policy.

Stay out of the heat...


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