[Coin-ipopt] Finding source code in the HSL Archive

Andreas Waechter andreasw at watson.ibm.com
Thu Apr 17 16:58:51 EDT 2003

Dear Dr. Buerger,

Many thanks for your message.  Since this information might also be useful
to others, I send my answer also to the IPOPT mailing list (you might want
to subscribe, too - check



Dr. Buerger's question (in German) pertains to finding certain Harwell
routines in the HSL Archive.  He tried to locate MA28 and its dependencies
(e.g. MC13, MC21, MC22, MC23) in the HSL Archive, but MC13, etc. seem not
to be available from there.

The answer is that those routines are still available, but not directly.
After you went through the HSL Archive login process and got to the point
where you selected MA28 as the routine you want to download, you will also
be asked you if you want to download MA28's dependencies.  If you do that,
the file you obtain will contain the source for all those missing
subroutines (which are not listed in the HSL Archive content list

In order to use the Makefile that is provided in the IPOPT distribution
(in COIN/Ipopt/SOURCES/OTHERS/HSL), you will have to cut each routine out
and put it into a separate file (e.g. ma30ad.f, mc13ad.f, mc21ad.f etc.).
Of course, if you prefer to compile your own HSL library, you can do that
whatever way you like and just specify "HSLLIB" in your configuration
makefile Makefile.defs accordingly.

I hope this helps,


On Thu, 17 Apr 2003, G. [iso-8859-1] Bürger wrote:

> Hallo Herr Waechter,
> ich bin gerade dabei, das paket IPOPT zu installieren. Bei den HSL
> Routinen stosse ich allerdings auf Schwierigkeiten, da einige
> benoetigte Routinen (fuer MA28) nicht auffindbar zu sein scheinen und
> eine entsprechende mail and die HSL-Administratoren nicht ankam
> (s.u.). Wenn Sie einen Tip haetten, waer das sehr hilfreich.
> Einen schoenen Ostergruss von
>       Gerd Buerger

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