[Coin-ipopt] *** BUG FIX! ***

Andreas Waechter andreasw at watson.ibm.com
Thu Dec 12 20:36:38 EST 2002

Hi there,

There was a bug in the latest version, resulting in pretty bad performance
of Ipopt (the handling of negative curvature was corrupted).  Arvind
pointed me to the line of code that was causing the trouble (Thanks!), and
the corrected version is now online.

*** If you downloaded the IPOPT source code after *Nov 24*, you have the
    bugged version.  Please update your code ***

The only file that had to be corrected is


so if you have the latest version (after Nov 24), you can get it
individually via CVS, or from the CVS web interface at:


Otherwise, the correction will be reflected in tomorrow's tarball, as



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