[GAMSlinks] Importing GAMS model to C++
Stefan Vigerske
stefan at math.hu-berlin.de
Sun May 15 15:05:15 EDT 2011
if you have GAMS, then you can use GAMSlinks to use your solver as a
solver in GAMS.
GAMSlinks does not parse GAMS source files, but accesses the compiled
GAMS model via some GAMS libraries. It's similar to reading AMPLs .nl
files using the AMPL Solver Library.
If this is what you need, then look at the Bonmin or Couenne interface
in GAMSlinks/trunk.
> Dear All,
> I am dealing with an MINLP algorithm. I have a problem with parsing MINLP
> benchmark instances to the algorithm. The MINLP benchmark instances are
> given in GAMS model format. I need to import these GAMS models to my
> algorithm. Is there any way to use GAMSlinks for this purpose?
> *PS:* I am using CPPAD (http://www.coin-or.org/CppAD/) in my algorithm which
> is also a COIN-OR project. Interfacing CPPAD and GAMS is sufficient for my
> case.
> Best Regards
> Gokhan
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