[GAMSlinks] GAMSlinks on AIX
Stefan Vigerske
stefan at math.hu-berlin.de
Tue Jun 28 17:50:06 EDT 2011
nothing tested.
If you get GAMSlinks/trunk and can compile everything except for the
GAMSlinks project, i.e., all the solvers - or at least those you need,
then there is a chance that one can also compile the interfaces to work
with a GAMS 23.6 system. The latter may not work out of the box, but it
may not be too difficult to do.
I just do not have access to an AIX system to try by myself.
Maybe, first try if you can compile the externals in GAMSlinks/trunk.
> Dear all,
> I was wondering if there's a way to compile and use GAMSlinks on an
> AIX platform with IBM Power6 processors.
> Thanks,
> Giacomo M
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