[FlopCpp] install flopcpp with gcc

Luca Mencarelli mencarelli at lix.polytechnique.fr
Wed Aug 28 04:31:01 EDT 2019

Dear all,

I would like to install flopcpp on Mac OS X with gcc as compiler. How can
I do?

Thanks in advance. Best,
"Nothing at all takes place in the universe in which some rule of maximum
or minimum does not appear." Leonhard Euler (1707-1783)
Luca Mencarelli
LIX (UMR 7161), Ecole Polytechnique
91128 Palaiseau CEDEX, France
Office: 2072 (Bâtiment Alan Turing, second floor)
E-mail address: mencarelli at lix.polytechnique.fr
Twitter: @l_mencarelli

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