[FlopCpp] Using "symbolic" variable names.

marc.roth at rwe.com marc.roth at rwe.com
Mon Nov 8 05:16:36 EST 2010

Hi Christian,
Thank you for replies. In the mean time I have played around a bit more with issues 2) and have reached a working version of that "encapsulating" function. It is not very elegant, though. In order not need to deal with destruction of objects instantiated through "new" I am using boost's shared_ptr. Nevertheless, because such objects get destroyed when last reference to objects go out of scope, I have to pass back all MP_* related objects back to caller's scope (even for locally created and used MP_set variables, such as 'abs_x_set' below). Hence, I have resorted to pass back all the MP_* objects via references to the caller, although this makes the entire encapsulating thing a bit questionable.
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
typedef boost::shared_ptr<MP_set> MP_set_ptr;
typedef boost::shared_ptr<MP_variable> MP_var_ptr;
typedef boost::shared_ptr<MP_expression> MP_expr_ptr;
typedef boost::shared_ptr<MP_constraint> MP_cnstr_ptr;
typedef boost::shared_ptr<MP_model> MP_model_ptr;
static MP_expr_ptr
  MP_variable& x,
  MP_data& weight,
  MP_set_ptr& abs_x_set_ptr,
  MP_var_ptr& abs_x_var_ptr,
  vector<MP_cnstr_ptr>& abs_x_linctr,
  MP_model& lp/*=MP_model::getDefaultModel()*/,
  const string& prefix/*="abs_"*/) {
 if (x.size() > 0) {
  if (x.getName().empty()) {
   string message;
   message += "decision variable(s) or affine expression(s) is/are not named";
   throw BmtException(message.c_str());
  // create required MP_* objects as automatic variables
  MP_set_ptr abs_x_set(new MP_set(x.size()));
  MP_var_ptr abs_x_var(new MP_variable(*abs_x_set));
  MP_cnstr_ptr abs_x_linctr_a(new MP_constraint(*abs_x_set));
  MP_cnstr_ptr abs_x_linctr_b(new MP_constraint(*abs_x_set));
  // set-up names
  string abs_x_name(prefix + x.getName());
  abs_x_set->setName(abs_x_name + "_set");
  abs_x_linctr_a->setName(abs_x_name + "_cnstr_a");
  abs_x_linctr_b->setName(abs_x_name + "_cnstr_b");
  // set-up bounds and constraints
  (*abs_x_var).lowerLimit(*abs_x_set) = 0.0;
  (*abs_x_linctr_a)(*abs_x_set) = +1.0*x(*abs_x_set) <= (*abs_x_var)(*abs_x_set);
  (*abs_x_linctr_b)(*abs_x_set) = -1.0*x(*abs_x_set) <= (*abs_x_var)(*abs_x_set);
  // add constraints to model
  // assign automatic variables to out parameters
  // in order to prevent destruction of MP_* objects.
  abs_x_set_ptr = abs_x_set;
  abs_x_var_ptr = abs_x_var;
  MP_expr_ptr objective(new MP_expression(sum(*abs_x_set, weight(*abs_x_set)*(*abs_x_var)(*abs_x_set))));
  return objective;
 } else {
  return MP_expr_ptr();

-----Original Message-----
From: Christian Wolf [mailto:kalmar at uni-paderborn.de] 
Sent: 06 November 2010 18:34
To: flopcpp at list.coin-or.org; Roth, Marc (RWE Trading)
Subject: Re: [FlopCpp] Using "symbolic" variable names.

	Hello Marc,
	Am 05.11.2010 17:55, schrieb marc.roth at rwe.com: 


		I am developing a toy problem in order to figure out how FlopC++ has to be used. I consulted the example problems in the examples section to get started but have a couple of questions:

		1) Use of symbolic names and LP file output: I would like to use the setName method on MP_variable, lets say, such as 

		        MP_model lp(new OsiCbcSolverInterface)  ; 
		        MP_set T(123); 
		        MP_variable dispatch_period_volume(T); 

		Once the model has been set up, I write the problem to a file, such as 


		What I expect to see in the file bmt.lp is that the variable names are printed like dp_volume_1, dp_volume_2, ..., dp_volume_124, but what I get is only x1, ..., x124. Am I doing something wrong or is this feature not supported (in this case what is the MP_variable::setNames() method for?).

	At the moment the feature is not yet supported, but it will be in the near future, at least in the stochastic branch of FlopC++. 

		2) In the objective function in question some of the decision variables x are modelled by abs(x) (the absolute value of x). Obviously this is not a linear construct, but can be modelled as:

		        x <= abs_x 
		        -1.0*x <= abs_x 
		        0 <= abs_x 

		Because I require various variables to be modelled as abs(.) I would like to implement a function that; 
		A) creates the auxiliary variable(s) abs_x for each such x, 
		B) adds above constraints/bounds to the model, and 
		C) returns a MP_expression that can be added to the objective function expression in terms of the abs_x variables. 

		I.e., I would like to delegate/encapsulate all issues to model the absolute value of a decision variable to a function. 

		My initial approach, listed below, failed miserably because of the issue of automatic variables and copy constructors, etc., I guess boiling down to that FlopC++ elements are not "shallow" copied and reference counted on the one had and that MP_variables are not added to the model implicitly but only through their use in constraints and objective function. What is the proper way to accomplish this?

	In my opinion this could work, if you work with pointers instead of objects in your helper function. Create the MP_constraints and MP_variables in the function with new, otherwise they should be lost when the function goes out of scope. This is only a first thought about the topic. I can look into it someday next week.
	Hope this helps,

		static MP_expression 
		                MP_variable& x, 
		                MP_data& weight, 
		                MP_model& lp/*=MP_model::getDefaultModel()*/, 
		                const string& prefix/*="abs_"*/) { 
		        if (x.size() > 0) { 
		                if (x.getName().empty()) { 
		                        string message; 
		                        message += "decision variable(s) or affine expression(s) is/are not named"; 
		                        throw BmtException(message.c_str()); 
		                MP_set D(x.size()); 
		                MP_variable abs_x(D); 
		                abs_x.setName(prefix + x.getName()); 
		                abs_x.lowerLimit(D) = 0.0; 
		                MP_constraint abs_x_linctr_a(D); 
		                MP_constraint abs_x_linctr_b(D); 
		                abs_x_linctr_a(D) = x(D) <= abs_x(D); 
		                abs_x_linctr_b(D) = -1.0*x(D) <= abs_x(D); 


		                return sum(D, weight(D)*abs_x(D)); 
		        } else { 
		                return MP_expression(); 

		And would be used such as 

		        MP_expression objective; 
		        MP_data UNIT_WEIGHT_X(T); 
		        UNIT_WEIGHT_X(T) = 1.0; 
		        objective = lp_objective_absolute(dispatch_period_volume, UNIT_WEIGHT_X, lp); 

		Best Regards/Mit freundlichen Grüßen 
		Marc Roth
		External Consultant,
		Structuring & Valuation
		Tel.: +41 55 534 44 82
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		Fax: +41 55 534 44 82
		mailto:marc.roth at rwe.com <mailto:marc.roth at rwe.com> 
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