[FlopCpp] Constraint Names and Limited Row Creation by Subset

Shigeru Tsubakitani stsubakitani at neomeshsolutions.com
Sun Feb 10 19:53:09 EST 2008

I have two questions.

1. How do you print user-specified row and column names rather than "cons1,
cons2 ." for row names and "x1, x2 ." for column names in the matrix file
when you use a matrix print command such as
"MP_model::getDefaultModel()->Solver->WriteLp();"?  The setName() method
does not work for this.


2. How do you generate rows only for index combinations defined in a subset?
In the following example, I want to create a row only for (0, 0), but it
creates rows for all 4 index combinations.

              MP_set A(2), B(2);

              MP_subset<2> AB(A, B);

              AB.insert(0, 0);

              MP_index a, b;

              MP_variable x(A, B);

              MP_constraint rTest(A, B);

              rTest(a, b).such_that( AB(a, b)) = x(a, b) == 1;


Thanks for your help in advance.


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