[FlopCpp] Returning to the shell (FlopC++ constraint)

Tim Hultberg Tim.Hultberg at eumetsat.int
Tue Feb 13 03:12:11 EST 2007

Hi Vishy,
  second thing first:

To get the constraint to compile you must use
(li>MP_index_exp(curLev(A,I)) instead of (li>curLev(A,I)  [and
similarly for the (lj>curLev(A,I)]

For the first thing, I am not sure. I would be helpfull if you could
provide the complete model (since when I am running with some dummy
objective I dont observe the problem).
You might try to cure it by using MP_index_exp explicitly, i.e. (
li>MP_index_exp(curLev(A,I)-1) ) ,etc.  whenever you are comparing an
index with some expression.

Hope this helps.

Cheers, Tim

>>> "Vishy Jeet" <vishv.jeet at gmail.com> 12/02/2007 18:22:10 >>>

I have written a little piece of my program below, the constraint
CostITDevCon2 is causing a problem, I can compile my program without
errors/warnings, but when I run it,  the program hangs and I don't get
message to know what went wrong. When I remove this constraint from
overall program everything works just fine. I think something is
wrong with this constraints, don't know what. Any help on this much

#define bigM 10000
MP_set A(3), I(4), L(3);

MP_data curLev(A,I), itDevCost(A,I,L)

MP_constraint CostITDevCon2(A,I)

MP_index li, lj; //alias for set L

MP_variable U(A,I,L), DC(A,I);

DC.lowerLimit(A, I) = 0;


CostITDevCon2(A,I).such_that(curLev(A,I)>=1) =

DC(A,I) >=  sum(L(li).such_that(li>curLev(A,I)-1),
(1-sum(L(lj).such_that((lj>curLev(A,I)-1) &&

(lj<=li)), U(A,I,lj)))*itDevCost(A,I,li)) +

The other strange thing is this when I write the above constraint like
below, I can't even compile my program:

CostITDevCon2(A,I).such_that(curLev(A,I)>=1) =

DC(A,I) >=  sum(L(li).such_that(li>curLev(A,I)),
(1-sum(L(lj).such_that((lj>curLev(A,I)) &&

(lj<=li)), U(A,I,lj)))*itDevCost(A,I,li)) +

Here I just remove "-1" from all such_that blocks; everything else is
the same.

For some verification purpose, I rewrote the entire program in
combo and it works just fine over there.
curLev(A,I) is the data that contains either 1, 2, or 3.

best regards,

Youngest Music Meastro
Mayank Sahu

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