[Dip] Installing dippy on windows
Ted Ralphs
ted at lehigh.edu
Thu Jul 20 07:11:26 EDT 2017
Hi Eduardo,
I'm cc'ing the mailing list, since other users might also find the
discussion useful. It would be helpful if you could post relevant output so
I could see more precisely what the problem might be, but your guess about
is probably right. The solution is to make sure the version of Dippy you're
using matches the version of the binaries you have installed.
I have a preliminary mechanism for automatically building and deploying
binaries for new version if download binaries for the latest release
version here:
In particular, for Python 2.7, get this ZIP file:
Unpack it somewhere and then set the variable COIN_INSTALL_DIR to point to
the location with
set COIN_INSTALL_DIR=C:\dir\where\stored
Let me know if this works and if not, how far you get with it. I can help
you get you past any sticking points. Sorry this isn't so well documented.
On Tue, Jul 18, 2017 at 11:58 PM, Eduardo F. Silva <efsilvaa at gmail.com>
> Hi Ted,
> Some time ago you help me installing dippy, and I am thinking if you mind
> help me again.
> It is being a pain try to install it again. Unfortunately, I keep working
> in windows, what make things worse.
> Again, I could not install coinor.dippy in my Python 2.7 with easy
> install. So, following your last guidance I tried first install the
> Windows libraries with the installer from http://www.coin-or.org/
> download/binary/OptimizationSuite/COIN-OR-1.8.0-win32-msvc9-python.exe,
> configure COIN_DIR_INSTALL to …\COIN-OR-1.8.0-win32-msvc9-
> python\COIN-OR\win32-msvc9-python and use :
> python setup.py install
> But it does not work. Probably the problem is that the code in dippy has
> changed, but not in the optimization suite. Therefore, the header files in
> optimization suite are older and do not match the references done by the
> source files in dippy anymore (e.g. m_infinity missing, …)
> As far I remember, if I compile dippy using actual visual studio, it will
> not work under my anaconda python because python is build with cl.exe
> 1500, which was shipped in Visual studio 2008 (I think).
> Do you have any suggestion?
> ========================================
> Prof. Eduardo Ferreira da Silva, PhD
> Departamento de Engenharia de Produção - EPS
> Centro Tecnológico - CTC
> Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina - UFSC
> http://deps.ufsc.br/
> ---------------------------------
> Eduardo F. Silva
> On Mon, Mar 7, 2016 at 1:05 PM, Ted Ralphs <ted at lehigh.edu> wrote:
>> On Windows, you shouldn't have to do anything other than
>> easy_install coinor.dippy
>> Alternatively, you can first install the Windows libraries with the
>> installer here:
>> http://www.coin-or.org/download/binary/OptimizationSuite/
>> COIN-OR-1.8.0-win32-msvc9-python.exe
>> This will install everything you need and set all variables necessary to
>> build DipPy. After that, if you just do
>> python setup.py install
>> in a terminal, it should work.
>> There is no easy way to get it to work if you build in the Visual Studio
>> IDE. If you really want to build from source on Windows, you should use
>> MSys2. Itmay also be possible using PyMinGW, although I have never tried it.
>> Cheers,
>> Ted
>> On Mon, Mar 7, 2016 at 10:13 AM, Eduardo F. Silva <efsilvaa at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Thanks for the help,
>>> I am using windows and still trying to make it work.
>>> I do have built Dip successfully, however I am not sure I have to create
>>> a folder structure (using COIN_INSTALL_DIR), and what I should include
>>> there.
>>> Thanks again,
>>> Eduardo
>>> ---------------------------------
>>> Eduardo F. Silva
>>> On Fri, Mar 4, 2016 at 11:52 PM, Ted Ralphs <ted at lehigh.edu> wrote:
>>>> Hi Eduardo,
>>>> As you observed, installation of DipPy does not work with pip at the
>>>> moment. It is on my TODO list to make it work. However, it should work
>>>> easily with easy_install following the instructions here:
>>>> https://projects.coin-or.org/Dip/wiki/DipPy
>>>> If you are on Windows, all you need to do is
>>>> easy_install coinor.dippy and you should be good to go with no
>>>> additional steps. Let me know if this does not work.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Ted
>>>> On Wed, Mar 2, 2016 at 5:56 PM, Eduardo F. Silva <efsilvaa at gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> I am having some problems to install dippy using "pip install coinor.dippy"
>>>>> in a new version of python 2.7.
>>>>> Errors starting with "ez_setup" not found, but even working around
>>>>> it, other errors occurs.
>>>>> Do you have any roadmap to install coinor.dippy. Sorry for a basic
>>>>> question.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> ========================================
>>>>> Prof. Eduardo Ferreira da Silva, PhD
>>>>> Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC)
>>>>> Department of Industrial Engineering (DEPS)
>>>>> http://deps.ufsc.br/
>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>> Dip mailing list
>>>>> Dip at list.coin-or.org
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>>>> --
>>>> Dr. Ted Ralphs
>>>> Professor, Lehigh University
>>>> (610) 628-1280
>>>> ted 'at' lehigh 'dot' edu
>>>> coral.ie.lehigh.edu/~ted
>> --
>> Dr. Ted Ralphs
>> Professor, Lehigh University
>> (610) 628-1280
>> ted 'at' lehigh 'dot' edu
>> coral.ie.lehigh.edu/~ted
Dr. Ted Ralphs
Visiting Researcher, Zuse Institute Berlin
Professor, Lehigh University
(610) 628-1280
ted 'at' lehigh 'dot' edu
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