[Dip] Problem running the GAP example
Ted Ralphs
ted at lehigh.edu
Sun Dec 7 20:16:50 EST 2014
What version are you using? There are some bugs I need to clean up (and
it's on my short-term TODO list), but the releases should all work properly
I think. I'll try to replicate your issue once I have the version. By the
way, if you know Python. DipPy is a bit more convenient to work with and
gives you most of the same power as the C++ interface with perhaps a little
loss in efficiency, depending on what you're doing.
On Sun, Dec 7, 2014 at 7:57 PM, Haroldo Gambini Santos <
haroldo.santos at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to start using DIP for some of my applications.
> Initially I'm trying to run the examples to better understand the
> framework.
> I've succeeded in running the MCF example, but when I try to run the GAP
> example I got the following error:
> *./decomp_gap --param gap.parm
> ======================================================== Welcome to the DIP
> Decomposition Framework ...
> ======================================================== decomp_gap:
> DecompAlgo.cpp:6681: DecompStatus DecompAlgo::solveRelaxed(const double*,
> const double*, double, int, bool, DecompAlgoModel&, DecompSolverResult*,
> std::list<DecompVar*>&): Assertion `subprobSI' failed. *
> Could someone give me some help ?
> Thanks,
> Haroldo
> --
> ==================================================
> Haroldo Gambini Santos
> D.Sc, Computer Science
> Universidade Federal de Ouro Pretohttp://www.decom.ufop.br/haroldo/
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Dr. Ted Ralphs
Professor, Lehigh University
(610) 628-1280
ted 'at' lehigh 'dot' edu
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