[Dip] Implicit Polyhedra and GAP
Kipp Martin
kmartin at chicagobooth.edu
Tue Sep 7 12:42:35 EDT 2010
Hi Matt:
> I ran the GAP example for VERSION1. Got it to run with no problem.
> Very useful. I was hoping you could clarify the folloiwng.
> 1) It looks like the only place where the blocks get defined are in
> 235-238:
> for(i = 0; i < nMachines; i++){
> modelName = "KP" + UtilIntToStr(i);
> setModelRelax(NULL, modelName, i);
> }
> It looks like you are NOT creating a DecompConstraintSet for each
> block and you are NOT specifying the variables that go into the
> blocks. Is this correct? You simply tell the master how many blocks
> there are with setModelRelax().
> That is correct. There is no "explicit" polyhedron in this example. It
> is implicitly defined by the oracle (solveRelaxed).
The above is easy and simple, I like it.
> Yes, master-only would be included in redCostX and as a user you would
> want to ignore them. Each master-only is considered its own block and is
> dealt with internally. I guess I should add an example that shows
> implicit polyhdreon and master-only variables? Is that the case you
> have? If so, I can work on that soon. Yes, you should delcare them and
> explicitly state them as master-only.
Yes, it is the case I have, depending on how I organize my blocks and
coupling constrains.
> 4) This is related to 3). If indeed, redCostX is the vector of all
> variables then I suppose I could easily do what I wrote you about
> earlier this summer, namely solve the blocks in parallel. That is I
> could take redCostX and in my own code, in parallel solve a problem
> for each block and then when each solveRelaxed() is called in turn,
> give it the solution from my parallel solve. Does this make sense?
> Not yet. Two issues there. (1) the logic by default is to loop over all
> blocks and call the solveRelaxed for each value of whichBlock. So, if
> you solved all in parallel, you'd get too many. You, could, of course,
> just solve the "first one" for all and then skip the rest. But, that is
> an ugly hack. (2) The argument convexDual is the dual associated with
> the convexity constraint for `whichBlock`. To do what you want, you
> really need all the duals for the convexity constraint. Again, you could
> "get this" by grabbing the full dual vector from the master LP and
> parsing it yourself - but that gets tricky when you add in cut and
> branch constraints to the master -- the accounting is tricky.
But for each block, convexDual affects the value of the reduced cost,
but it has no effect on which column I choose. The convexDual does not
affect the subproblem solution, only the solution value. Therefore, in
the first call to solveRelaxed (whichBlock = 1) I can use redCostX for
all the variables and simultaneously find the best column for each
subproblem. Then when the other subproblems are called (whichBlock >1) I
simply take the column from the first call (do not solve again) and
return it. The convexDual did not affect that solution. Hope I am
making sense here.
Actually the reason I am interested in this is two fold. First, in the
generic case I want to setup a parallel solve in OS. Second, in my
specific application, I actually have some coupling constraints across
the blocks that do not put into the core constraints, but I have a
pseudo-polynomial algorithm for solving the resulting subproblem. Hard
to explain by email.
Kipp Martin
Professor of Operations Research
and Computing Technology
Booth School of Business
University of Chicago
5807 South Woodlawn Avenue
Chicago, IL 60637
kmartin at chicagobooth.edu
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