[Csdp] csdp with Matlab on a Mac

Hongying Li lihongying17 at gmail.com
Thu Jan 2 12:26:47 EST 2014


I'm trying to run a test program on a Mac, but it complains csdp is not found. 
Actually I can run csdp without problem in a Terminal. 
(csdp /private/tmp/tp1688cde8_e84d_4719_b3e2_68ab52d99f7e.dat-s)

Is it because a certain resetting of .zshrc or something ?
Anyone knows how to fix it?

Thank you
PS: here is more info given in the Matlab command line:

zsh:1: command not found: csdp
csdp /private/tmp/tp1688cde8_e84d_4719_b3e2_68ab52d99f7e.dat-s   0.00s user 0.00s system 64% cpu 0.001 total
188 [x,y,z]=readsol([fname '.sol'],K,length(b));
file does not exist!
Error in ==> readsol at 17
if isfield(K,'q') 

??? Output argument "x" (and maybe others) not assigned during call to "/Users/hli/workSpace/matlab/csdp/readsol.m>readsol".

Error in ==> csdp at 188
[x,y,z]=readsol([fname '.sol'],K,length(b));

Error in ==> mvuHli20130416neighborCell at 543
      [x d z  info]=csdp(A,b,c,flags,OPTIONS);

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