[CppAD] CppADCodeGen for Windows

Иван Воронов voronov.ivan121 at gmail.com
Mon Jul 20 11:51:01 EDT 2015

Hi Brad!

Unfortunately I have not found special mailing list dedicated to
CppADCodeGen project.
My question is: what changes or additional implementations should I make in
to run  CppADCodeGen  under Windows using Visual Studio 2013.
At the moment I can run source_generation.cpp example (
, but
I want to use generated code inside my program, i.e. I need something
like linux_system.hpp and gcc_compiler.hpp corresponding to my operation
system and compiler.

Please give me a piece of advice, how should I act to get a result in a
shortest time.
Is it possible to bypass the need for the mentioned headers?
Sorry if the letter does not fit to this list group.

Best regards, Ivan.
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