[CppAD] Multithreading

Jey Kottalam jey at kottalam.net
Mon Mar 19 15:23:43 EDT 2012

Hi Dominik,

Is this occurring because thread_alloc expects memory to be freed from
the same thread where it's allocated?

> Or is it really true that independently  allocating memory in
> one thread  slows down everything even so no mutex mechanism is needed?

This can happen when using a malloc that isn't designed for threading
workloads, but it's easy to select an alternate malloc on modern
systems. For example under Linux/x86 and Linux/x86-64 options include
TCMalloc, jemalloc, TBBmalloc, and hoard. In practice I would
recommend just using the system malloc until you've determined that
the malloc is actually a performance problem. The important thing
however is to use a *thread-safe* malloc, for example under Linux with
GCC you should pass the "-pthreads" option to GCC when compiling and
linking. (It may not be enough to pass "-lpthread" when linking since
"-pthreads" enables other options too.)

Attached is a rudimentary patch that switches thread_alloc to use
operator new and delete directly. You might want to give that a shot.

However, even after using this patch and building with -DNDEBUG, I
still get some warnings from helgrind about data races in
CppAD::ADFun<double>::operator=, and I don't know whether they are
simply spurious warnings. I'm planning to switch to a multiprocess
model using mmap(MAP_SHARED) and fork() to avoid these issues.


On Mon, Mar 19, 2012 at 9:00 AM, Dominik Skanda
<Dominik.Skanda at biologie.uni-freiburg.de> wrote:
> Concerning my last message, I have looked a little bit deeper in the code and found out that essentially the command
> pod_vector<Base> Partial;
> Partial.extend(total_num_var_ * p);
> in reverse.hpp causes the error.
> So  as far as I think the Vector Partial is only accesed within the
> function
> "VectorBase ADFun<Base>::Reverse(size_t p, const VectorBase &w)"
> and therefore should be thread safe (Since it is no global variable)! On
> the other side due to the new memory allocater it is not. I think that
> the new memory allocator should only be used were global information is
> created. Or is it really true that independently  allocating memory in
> one thread  slows down everything even so no mutex mechanism is needed?
> This would made the applicability of the CppAD Library really much more
> flexible!
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