[CppAD] Goddard Rocket using CppAD and Ipopt
Jens A. Berger
jens.berger at lsespace.com
Fri Aug 1 05:23:20 EDT 2008
Dear Brad,
in our tests we had to use retape=1 otherwise the derivative test in
ipopt would fail (since we have dependent variables). So If I understand
correctly we should use conditional expressions and use retape=0. Then
the sparsity pattern will be considered as well.
Thanks, Jens
Brad Bell wrote:
> If you look at the source code in
> https://projects.coin-or.org/CppAD/browser/trunk/example/ipopt_cppad_nlp.cpp
> You will notice that if retape is true then the sparsity patterns are
> set to dense. On the other hand, if retape is false, the sparsity
> patterns are calculated and used. This is because CppAD assumes that
> the operation sequence may change when retape is true.
> If you are unsure if the operation sequence is changing, you can try
> using retape equal to false and true. If the answers are different,
> then the operation sequence is changing and you need to use retape
> equal to true.
> You may be able change you code and avoid having to retape using
> conditional expressions.
> http://www.coin-or.org/CppAD/Doc/condexp.xml
> On Thu, 31 Jul 2008, Andreas Waechter wrote:
>> Hi Jens,
>> Brad is the best to comment on the performance of CppAD, I don't konw
>> about this.
>> However, what I see is that the Jacobian and the Hessian are given to
>> Ipopt in DENSE representation! I don't know how/if CppAD detects
>> which constraint functions depend on which variables, but from the
>> output you sent it seems that the information give to Ipopt is that
>> all functions first and second derivatives depend on all optimization
>> variables. This of course leads to a huge increase in memory
>> consumption and computation time compared to the run with sparse
>> matrices that your other implementation did.
> .
> .
> .
>>> On Thu, 31 Jul 2008, Jens A. Berger wrote:
>>>> Dear Bradley and Andreas
>>>> using the "ipopt_cppad_nlp" class of the CppAD examples we implemented
>>>> the goddard rocket problem as described in the COPS examples:
>>>> http://www-unix.mcs.anl.gov/~more/cops/cops3.pdf
>>>> The good news is, that we managed to find an optimal solution with
>>>> ipopt
>>>> using this implementation (See attached ipopt_cppad_rocket.tgz).
>>>> However, when choosing a discretization of k=500 we were facing quite
>>>> long computation times of ~84 minutes with many iterations, while
>>>> ~1 GB
>>>> of memory was reserved (see attached ipopt_cppad_rocket_k500.log for
>>>> details).
>>>> We did a comparison to our "in house analytical method" which is:
>>>> finding of the derivatives of f and g with an analytical method, then
>>>> calculate the values of the Jacobian and Hessian for every
>>>> discretization step. Using this method we needed only ~5 seconds and
>>>> less iterations to find a solution for a discretization of k=500. Here
>>>> around 100 MB memory were needed (see attached analytical_k500.log for
>>>> details).
>>>> A while ago we did some runs with AMPL and/or OS on the goodard rocket
>>>> problem and experienced run times of < 1 minute for a
>>>> discretization of
>>>> k=500. All calculation times we give are based on ubuntu, Intel Core 2
>>>> Duo 2.6 Ghz, 3 GB RAM.
> .
> .
> .
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