[CppAD] compiling cppad under msvc 6.0

Brad Bell bradbell at seanet.com
Thu Mar 2 09:33:11 EST 2006

There were some major changes to VC++ between V6 and version V7. On the 
web page
the following sentence summarizes the importance difference:
"The compiler's conformance with the C++ standard has been significantly 
enhanced for Visual C++ .NET 2003."

Up until 2005-06-06, CppAD was VC6.0 compatible. At that point (after 
VC7 had been out for a few years), CppAD started to take advantage of 
some of the enhancements mentioned above. See the heading 06-18 on the 
web page
This change was before CppAD was added to COIN, hence the versions 
before change are not available from subversion at

I do have a cvs repository that contains the versions prior to COIN and 
could possibly recreate a version (with out
the changes since 05-06-06) that is VC6.0 compatible. This would take 
some work.

Version [1] of the subversion repository is dated 2005-07-12, hence 
there should not be many things to change from that version to get to a 
VC6.0 compatible version. See the headings that fall between 06-06 and 
07-12 on
for changes that might not have been VC6.0 compatible.

Krishna Kumar wrote:

> Folks, I'd like to find out if there is any work around to getting 
> cppAd to work under MSVC 6.0.
> I tried using the prjconverter from codeproject to see if I can get 
> the current project file .sln to .dsw and to work under VC 6.0,
> but I get a bunch of error messages. Is there any workaround to get 
> this to work under VC6.0 it compiles under mingw and
> under unix but I'd like to see if this can work under VC 6.0
> Thanks,
> Kris
> While compiling GetStarted.cpp  I get the following messages.
> ...

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