[CoinUtils] CoinUtils MPS format

Horand Gassmann Horand.Gassmann at Dal.Ca
Fri Sep 27 07:31:37 EDT 2013

Is there a description anywhere of the flavor of MPS that CoinUtils  
support? I am
particularly interested in special ordered sets ('MARKER' vs. Cplex
style S1/S2 codes) and quadratic sections (QSECT, QARRAY, QUADOBJ,
quadratic constraints). Is there a sample MPS file that shows all
the bells and whistles?


gus gassmann


Horand I. Gassmann, Professor

Kenneth C. Rowe School of Business, Dalhousie University
6100 University Avenue, PO Box 15000
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, B3H 4R2
ph. (902) 494-1844
fax (902) 494-1107


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