[Coin-voting-members] 2017 Election Ballot, COIN-OR Directors
Giacomo Nannicini
giacomo.n at gmail.com
Thu Jan 18 17:11:33 EST 2018
Please fill out the ballot below and return it to the email address
"election at coin-or.org". Ballots must be received by 24:00 (midnight)
Eastern Standard Time (UTC-5), Thursday, February 22, 2018.
COIN-OR Ballot
In each category below, you may vote for as many candidates as you like.
The candidates receiving the most votes will be elected. Candidate bios
appear at the end of this message. The candidates are listed in
alphabetical order.
All candidates are recommended by the current Directors.
Strategic Leadership Board
Two (2) to be elected. Type an X in the brackets '[ ]' to vote for a
candidate, or type in a name for a write-in vote. You may vote for as
many candidates
as you like.
[ ] Robert Fourer
[ ] Alan King
[ ] Write-in: _______________________
[ ] Write-in: _______________________
[ ] Write-in: _______________________
Technical Leadership Council
Three (3) to be elected. Type an X in the brackets '[ ]' to vote for a
candidate, or type in a name for a write-in vote. You may vote for as
many candidates
as you like.
[ ] John Siirola
[ ] Mike Steglich
[ ] Stefan Vigerske
[ ] Write-in: _________________
[ ] Write-in: _________________
Candidate Statements
Robert Fourer
Robert Fourer is President of AMPL Optimization Inc. and Professor
Emeritus of Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences at
Northwestern University, where he was on the faculty from 1979 to 2012.
His longstanding interest in the design and implementation of large-scale
systems for modeling and solving optimization problems has been
represented in numerous writings on these topics and over 200 talks at
professional meetings. He has served on the COIN-OR Strategic Leadership
Board from 2005 to 2011 and from 2015 to the present, and was a founding
contributor to the design of the NEOS Server and to the COIN-OR
Optimization Services project.
Alan King
Alan King is a research staff member with the Mathematical Sciences department
at IBM's Thomas J Watson Research Center, which he joined in 1988. His research
and development activity focuses on optimization technologies for
under uncertainty. He has published many papers in scientific journals
and has hel
appointments on the editorial boards of Mathematics of Operations Research and
SIAM Journal of Optimization. He was the lead developer for the software product
OSL Stochastic Extensions, and lead developer for the Stochastic
Modeling Interface
in the COIN-OR open source project.
John Siirola
John Siirola is a Principal Member of Technical Staff at Sandia National
Laboratories. A Chemical Engineer turned Operations Researcher, his research
interests include optimization modeling environments and optimization
infrastructures, multi-objective optimization methods, adaptive hybrid
heuristics, and high performance computing. He has contributed to and co-led
several open-source OR-related projects, including the Pyomo COIN-OR project
and the Acro project (an umbrella project that includes the PICO MILP solver,
PEBBL parallel branch and bound library, and COLIN optimization
interface library).
Beyond optimization research, John has significant interest and passion around
software engineering issues; including infrastructures and approaches
for project
management, software testing, continuous integration, and software deployment.
Mike Steglich
• Degree in Business Informatics (Dipl. Wirtschaftsinformatiker) at
the Department of Economics of the Martin-Luther-University
Halle-Wittenberg in 1993
• Scientific assistant at the Institute for Operations Research and
Business Management at the Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg
• Scientific assistant for Managerial Accounting at the Department of
Economics of the Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg 1994-1999
• Dissertation (Dr. rer. pol.) on cost variance analysis with
artificial neural networks at the Department of Economics of the
Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg in 2001 (summa cum laude)
• Financial Controller at the MTU Maintenance Berlin-Brandenburg GmbH
(Maintenance, Repair and Overhauls of Flight-Engines) 2000-2004
• Lecturer for Financial and Managerial Accounting at the Faculty of
Business, Administration and Law of the the Technical University of
Applied Sciences Wildau, 2002 - 2004
• Professor of Business Administration, Quantitative Methods and
Management Accounting at the Department of Business, Computing, Law of
the Technical University of Applied Sciences Wildau, since September
• GOR - German Operations Research Society (GOR)
• INFORMS - Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences
• COIN-OR - Computational Infrastructure for Operations Research
• DGLR - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Luft- und Raumfahrt
• ifu - Institute for Operations Research and Business Management at
the Martin-Luther-University (Institut für Unternehmensforschung und
Unternehmensführung an der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
Main software projects
• CMPL - CMPL(<Coliop|Coin> Mathematical Programming Language) is a
mathematical programming language and a system for mathematical
programming and optimisation of linear optimisation problems.
(www.coliop.org , https://projects.coin-or.org/Cmpl)
• LogisticsLab - academical decision support software for logistical
decisions (http://www.logisticslab.org/en/)
Stefan Vigerske
Stefan Vigerske is a software developer at GAMS Software GmbH, Germany.
He obtained his Ph.D. from the Department of Mathematics at Humboldt
University Berlin, Germany. His research interests are in mixed-integer
nonlinear programming. He has been involved in COIN-OR since 2006 as
Project Manager for the projects LaGO (Lagrangian Global Optimizer; now
inactive) and GAMSlinks (links for open source solvers to GAMS). In the
recent past, he has worked on the COIN-OR build system (BuildTools). He
was first elected to the TLC in 2009.
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