[Coin-voting-members] 2011 Election Ballot, COIN-OR Directors
Lou Hafer
lou at cs.sfu.ca
Tue Oct 25 17:47:35 EDT 2011
Please fill out the ballot below and return it to the email address
"election at coin-or.org". Ballots must be received by 12:00 midnight
Eastern Daylight Time (UTC-4), Friday, November 11th, 2011.
Note that members present at the Annual Meeting may vote in person. The
Annual Meeting will be held Monday, November 14th, 12:30 - 13:30, at the
INFORMS 2011 Annual Meeting in Charlotte, North Carolina, Convention
Centre Room 211A.
COIN-OR Ballot
In each category below, you may vote for as many candidates as you like.
Those receiving the most votes will be elected. Candidate bios appear at
the end of this message.
Strategic Leadership Board
One (1) to be elected. Type an X in the brackets '[ ]' to vote for a
candidate. You may vote for as many candidates as you like.
[ ] William Hart
[ ] Other: __________________________
Technical Leadership Council
Three (3) to be elected. Type an X in the brackets '[ ]' to vote for a
candidate. You may vote for as many candidates as you like.
[ ] Kipp Martin
[ ] John Siirola
[ ] Stefan Vigerske
[ ] Other: ___________________________
Candidate bios
William Hart
Bio: William Hart is a manager of the Data Analysis and Informatics
Department at Sandia National Laboratories. His research interests
focus on optimization techniques, including: parallel branch-
and-bound, heuristic global optimization, derivative-free local
search, and optimization software frameworks. He has applied
optimization techniques to many real-world applications, including
computational biology, engineering design, logistics planning, and
sensor placement in municipal water systems.
COIN-OR: Optimization software is a key element of my professional
work. I am a key contributor to a variety of widely-used software
development efforts (DAKOTA, Acro, AutoDock, Coopr), and I have
been organizing efforts at Sandia to promote the integration of
open-source software projects into Sandia's business areas. A
particular focus has been COIN-OR, which we have used with the
PICO IP solver for several years. More recently, I have been
looking to more directly integrate Sandia into open-source
projects. We have integrated Coopr into COIN-OR, and I have been
involved with the TLC to further cement these interactions.
Serving on the SLB is more in-line with the my current
responsibilities as a manager at Sandia, where I am more involved
with managing and promoting efforts like COIN-OR than direct
software development. Additionally, my Sandia position is focused
on data analysis, which is a potential growth area for COIN-OR.
Kipp Martin
Kipp Martin is Professor of Operations Research and Computing Technology
at the Booth School of Business, University of Chicago. His recent
research includes a project to create a set of standards for
representing optimization instances, results, solver options, and
communication between clients and solvers in a distributed environment
using Web Services. This work has resulted in the COIN-OR Optimization
Services (OS) project for which he is a project manager. He also helps
with the COIN-OR Binary, the COIN-OR TestTools, COIN-OR CoinEasy, and
COIN-OR ApplicationTemplates projects. Other research interests
include integer programming; in particular, developing formulationswith
strong linear relaxations and applying integer programming to capacity
planning, bundle pricing, vehicle routing, and database normalization.
He received his Ph.D. in Management Science from the University of
John Siirola
John Siirola is a Senior Member of Technical Staff at Sandia National
Laboratories. A Chemical Engineer turned Operations Researcher, his
research interests include optimization modeling environments and
optimization infrastructures, multi-objective optimization methods,
adaptive hybrid optimization heuristics, and high performance computing.
He is the project lead for the open-source Acro project (an umbrella
project that includes the PICO MILP solver, PEBBL parallel branch and
bound library, and COLIN optimization interface library) and co-lead of
the Coopr COIN-OR project. Beyond optimization research, John has
significant interest and passion around software engineering issues;
including infrastructures and approaches for project management,
software testing, continuous integration, and software deployment.
Stefan Vigerske
Stefan Vigerske is a Ph.D. student in the Department of Mathematics
at Humboldt University Berlin, Germany. His research interests are in
mixed-integer nonlinear programming and stochastic programming. He has
been involved in COIN-OR since 2006 as Project Manager for the projects
LaGO (Lagrangian Global Optimizer) and GAMSlinks (link open source
solvers to GAMS). Recently, he has been working on the COIN-OR build
system (BuildTools). He was first elected to the TLC in 2009.
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