[Coin-members] [COIN-OR E-News Announcements] September 2005 - Volume 1- Issue 1

Robin Lougee-Heimer robinlh at us.ibm.com
Wed Sep 14 22:50:24 EDT 2005

COIN-OR E-News Announcements 
September 2005 - Volume 1 - Issue 1 

0.  Inaugural Members Newsletter 
1.  Call for Nominations: Directors, COIN-OR Foundation 
2.  COIN-OR INFORMS 2005 Cup Competition 
3.  Open for New Projects
4.  New Projects on COIN-OR
5.  COIN-OR on a New Server 
6.  Recent Conference Activity 
7.  INFORMS Annual Meeting 2005, San Francisco
8.  COIN-OR Article to Appear in ORMS Today
9.  Corporate Members Welcome
10. Project News

0. Inaugural Members Newsletter 
Welcome to the inaugural COIN-OR Foundation Newsletter. The Newsletter is 
an exclusive benefit for Members of the COIN-OR Foundation, published 
quasi-quarterly throughout the year. 

1. Call for Nominations: Directors, COIN-OR Foundation
Elections for Directors of the COIN-OR Foundation will be held this 
November. Nominations are solicited for candidates for two director 
positions on the Strategic Leadership Board (SLB) and two director 
positions on the Technical Leadership Council (TLC). All full members of 
the Foundation are eligible to vote. Visit  
http://www.coin-or.org/call.for.nominations.2005.html for details.

2. COIN-OR INFORMS 2005 Cup Competition 
Announcing the most coveted prize in computational OR!  For details on how 
to enter a submission or nominate a worthy COIN-OR user/contributor (or to 
attend the award ceremony at the INFORMS Annual Meeting), see 

3. Open for New Projects 
When the COIN-OR Foundation took over active management of the COIN-OR 
initiative at the end of 2004, a moratorium was placed on accepting new 
projects while formal policies and procedures were established. In May 
2005, the official processes were posted at 
http://www.coin-or.org/contributions.html and COIN-OR was re-opened to 
accept new projects. Trac (http://projects.edgewall.com/trac/) was 
selected as COIN-OR's new project management system and Subversion (
http://subversion.tigris.org/) was selected as the new version control 
system. Both Trac and Subversion are themselves open-source projects.  All 
new projects will use Trac and Subversion. Old projects can have Trac 
pages (which is highly recommended in order to take advantage of the issue 
tracker and the Wiki) and can convert from CVS to Subversion (also 
recommended due to advantages of Subversion over CVS and because the Trac 
source browser is Subversion based).

4. New Projects: CppAD, coinMP.dll, FLopC++, and MINLP.
(A) CppAD 
You may have noticed a new project in the nightly tarballs, namely CppAD. 
CppAD was contributed by Brad Bell (http://www.seanet.com/~bradbell/) and 
is the process of coming on board. What is CppAD? The step-by-step 
conversion of floating point operations from an algorithm that computes 
function values to an algorithm that computes derivative values is known 
as Algorithmic Differentiation. (For more information about Algorthmic 
Differentiation, often called Automatic Differentiation or just ?AD?, and 
other AD software see http://www.autodiff.org/.) Given a C++ algorithm 
that computes function values, CppAD records the floating point operations 
and can then use this recording to compute derivatives of arbitrary order 
using both ?forward? and ?reverse? mode. 

Three new projects are in the pipeline and will be on COIN-OR by the 
INFORMS meeting in November. 
(B) coinMP.dll 
The coinMP.dll is contributed by Bjarni Kristjansson (Maximal Software). 
CoinMP.dll is a Windows dynamic linked library (DLL) that supports most of 
the functionality of COIN-OR LP, COIN-OR Branch-and-Cut and Cut Generation 
Library projects.  This coinMP.dll distribution of the COIN-OR projects 
for Windows has the advantages of being: high portability, does not 
require any compilation, easy to use, and can be used from any other 
Windows application. 

(C) FlopC++
The FlopC++ project is contributed by Tim Hultberg (EUMETSAT).  FLOPC++ is 
an algebraic modeling language embedded in C++. The goals of FLOPC++ are: 
 - to be as robust, efficient and easy to use, for linear optimization, 
as, traditional algebraic modeling languages, such as AMPL and GAMS,
 - to facilitate the integration of optimization models in software 
 - to facilitate the efficient implementation of model-tailored solution 
algorithms, and 
 - to remain lightweight.

The MINLP project is contributed by Larry Biegler, Pierre Bonami, Gerard 
Cornuejols, Ignacio Grossman, Carl Laird, Francois Margot, and Nick Sawaya 
(CMU) with Andrew Conn, Jon Lee, Andrea Lodi, and Andreas Waechter (IBM). 
The goal of this project is to produce novel open-source software for 
solving mixed-integer nonlinear programs (MINLP) with convex relaxation. 
The MINLP solver uses other COIN-OR packages as building blocks, namely, 

5. COIN-OR on a New Server
COIN-OR now lives on a server of its own at the INFORMS offices.  Thank 

6. Recent Conference Activity
Have you given a talk about your application, research, or teaching 
related to COIN-OR? We want to know. Send us a link or your presentation. 
Check out these recent COIN-OR sightings at sightings. 

(A) MOPTA 2005
- Plenary presented by Brenda Dietrich 

(B)  IFORS 2005
-- ?CoinMP: Simple C-API Windows DLL implementation of CLP, CBC, and CGL? 
at IFORS05 by Bjarni Krisstjansson.
--  ?Using Cyberinfrastructure for Computational Operations Research? by 
Jeff Linderoth, 
--  ?How to Publish Your Code on COIN-OR? by Robin Lougee-Heimer, 

7. INFORMS Annual Meeting 2005, San Francisco
Many COIN-OR related events are planned for the INFORMS Annual Meeting, 
including the member & user meeting, election, 1st COIN-OR Cup 
celebration, talks, tutorial on CBC, and a booth in the exhibit hall 
(thanks to a generous donation by INFORMS, which hopefully won't be 
affected by the move to San Francisco). Checkout 
http://www.coin-or.org/informs05.html for details. To keep abreast of 
other conferences where COIN-OR events are known to be happening, see the 
Events page at http://www.coin-or.org/events.html. 

8. COIN-OR Article to Appear in ORMS Today
An article describing the accomplishments of the COIN-OR open-source 
community in 2005 will appear in pre-annual meeting issue of ORMS Today. 

9. Corporate Members Welcome
Does your company support the mission of the COIN-OR Foundation? Or 
benefit from the no-cost open-source tools made available through COIN-OR? 
Give back. How? (i) Let us know how your using COIN-OR.  Your feedback 
helps us keep a good thing going. (ii) Make a corporate donation. Become a 
corporate member of the COIN-OR Foundation. Email info at coin-or.org for 
more details. 

10. Project News (in alphabetical order)
ALPS: Abstract Library for Parallel Search
ALPS is a C++ class library and framework for implementing scalable 
parallel tree search algorithms. This library has been under development 
for several years and should have its first full public release later this 
year. Current development efforts are focused on BiCePS and BLIS, the data 
layers built on top of ALPS that are needed to implement a full-blown 
parallel branch, cut, and price solver.

BCP: Branch-Cut-Price Framework
Users now have the ability to use the Message Passing Interface (MPI) 
parallel processing communication protocol with BCP, thanks to an 
interface contributed by Sonya Marcarelli (University of Benevento) and 
Igor Vasil?ev (Institute of System Dynamics and Control Theory of Russian 
Academy of Sciences).

CBC: COIN-OR Branch and Cut 
 As Cbc is used more and becomes more robust, its version number is 
creeping towards 1.0 and is now at 0.95.  CBC users may be interested in 
two developments.  (i) For Cbc, some work has been done on improving the 
search, especially the choice of variable to branch on.  The ideas are 
from various papers including one by Achterberg, Koch and Martin.  The 
modifications are switched on by a non zero value for 
model.setNumberBeforeTrust() which computes up and down estimates using 
strong branching until a variable has been branched on a reasonable number 
of times.  For the miplib test set John Forrest (IBM)  found 
setNumberBeforeTrust(5) and setNumberStrong(5) gave reasonable results, 
but more testing is needed.  (ii) It has been suggested that the 
heuristics be separated out so that they can work with any 
OsiSolverInterface.  This may take a bit of work -- is it worthwhile? Let 
John know by writing to him at coin-discuss at list.coin-or.org. In keeping 
with the C'ness of Cbc,  the heuristics would go into Chl (Coin Heuristic 

CGL: Cut Generator Library 
A report on the implementation of the CglMixedIntegerRounding cut 
generator was published by the Joao Goncalves and Laszlo Ladanyi (IBM). 
See  http://www.coin-or.org/documentation.html#CGL

CLP: COIN-OR LP, a simplex solver 
CLP Project Manager, John Forrest, has been asked to develop a single 
Clp/Coin library which should be as small as possible.  A tarball will be 
created which can give users full Simplex functionality including presolve 
and MPS I/O but which can also be configured to give a small library. 
Users may notice more conditional compilation in Coin and Clp and the 
possibility of omitting any reference to CoinPackedVector etc.  This will 
be a slow but continuous process which should not break anything but if 
users notice anything odd when doing things like adding rows or columns 
please tell John at coin-lpsolver at list.coin-or.org.

Coin: COIN-OR utilities library 
Utility functions for the CoinPackedMatrix and the CoinPackedVector 
classes, including a sorted, sparse, dot-product method, were added to 
enable the developers of PICO (http://software.sandia.gov/Acro/PICO) at 
Sandia National Labs to use the OSI and the CGL. 

DFO: Derivative-Free Optimization, a package for solving general nonlinear 
optimization problems when derivatives are unavailable 
(A) DFO was used to solve optimization problems in a recent technical 
report of Middle Eastern Technical University: M. Schaefer, B. Karasozen , 
Y. Uludag , K. Yapici, O. Ugur, Numerical Method for Optimizing Stirrer 
Configurations, 2005
(B) A theoretical paper,"Geometry of Sample Sets in Derivative Free 
Optimization. Part II: Polynomial Regression and Underdetermined 
Interpolation" by A. R. Conn, K. Scheinberg and L. N. Vicentehas just 
appeared in Optimization Online. 
(C)  The predecessor, "Geometry of Sample Sets in Derivative Free 
Optimization. Part I: Polynomial Interpolation" by A. R. Conn, K. 
Scheinberg and L. N. Vicenteis under review in Mathematical programming.
(D) A semiplenary presentation based in these two papers was given by 
Katya Scheinberg (IBM) in July at the FOCM'05 meeting in Santander, Spain.

dylp: Dynamic LP 
Lou Hafer (Simon Fraser University) has commit to migrating dylp to the 
new project management system (Trac/Subversion), complete with updated 
in-depth documentation, by the INFORMS meeting in November.

IPOPT: Interior Point OPTimizer for general large-scale nonlinear 
(A) Carl Laird (CMU) visited IBM as a summer student for the second time 
this year, working with Andreas Waechter to release the new C++ version of 

(B) Steinar Hauan (CMU) announced a "public beta" version of a Matlab MEX 
interface to IPOPT written by Claas Michalik (at RWTH Achen) and himself. 
Users can download a copy from Steniar's MEX file web page, 
http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/steinhau/Research/mex-interfaces.html. The 
current MEX interface is written for the "old" Fortran version of IPOPT, 
but will be updated for the C++ version when it is available.

Multifario: a continuation method for computing implicitly defined 
Multifario is a set of subroutines and data structures for computing 
manifolds that occur in Dynamical Systems. Fixed points, periodic orbits, 
heteroclinic and homoclinic connections, and many types of singular 
motions have been formulated as solutions of systems of parameterized 
algebraic or two point boundary value problems. 

NLPAPI: Nonlinear Programming Application Programming Interface
NLPAPI is a set of subroutines and data structures for defining nonlinear 
programming problems. It includes an interface to call LANCELOT to solve 
the problem (you need to get your own copy of LANCELOT). 

OSI: Open Solver Interface 
(A) Routines to read and write files in an LP format were contributed by 
Francois Margot (Carnegie Mellon University) and integrated by Matthew 
Saltzman (Clemson University). Every solver with an OSI has the ability to 
read and write the contributed LP format.  The new format is a narrative 
description, not unlike formats used by commercial LP solvers.

(B) Utilities for operations in the OsiRowCut class that have vector and a 
scalar as arguments were contributed by Bill Hart and Cynthia Phillips 
(Sandia National Labs), and Jonathan Eckstein (Rutgers University).

(C) All OSIs now permit multiple inheritance, at the request of the PICO 
developers.  Multiple inheritance is a C++ feature that gives increased 
flexibility in the way OSI can be used.

(D) A new version of the XPRESS solver interface (rev. 1.11) has been 
pushed to CVS by Matthew Saltzman.  This revision fixes several issues 
related to the OSI unit test, including: tracking constant objective 
offsets, returning NULL for empty rim vectors, interaction with 
CoinPresolve. Other issues fixed: compiles warning-free with gcc4, 
properly returns MIP solution after branchAndBound(), some internals, and 
a few issues remain (mostly the DeSmet test units). The unitTest runs to 
completion without crashing.

(E) There is a new mailing list for developers and maintainers of the 
COIN-OR Open Solver Interface.  If you are an OSI developer or maintainer 
and are interested in contributing to discussions related to design of the 
OSI, you can subscribe to the coin-osi-devel list at    

OTS: Open Tabu Search 
OTS is a java tabu search framework that helps developers implement tabu 
search meta-heuristics in a well-defined, object-oriented design. The OTS 
project is run by Rob Harder (USAF), who welcomes feedback on people 
working with OTS. 

SMI: Stochastic Modeling Interface, for optimization under uncertainty 
Thanks to the many eyes of the open-source community, the Stochastic 
Modeling Interface (SMI) code has continued to evolve the OSI-compatible 
Stochastic MPS reader. Join the SMI discussion by subscribing to the new 
coin-smi list at http://list.coin-or.org/mailman/listinfo/coin-osi-devel.

SYMPHONY: A callable library for solving mixed-integer linear programs 
Over the past two years, SYMPHONY has received several major upgrades, 
including the development of a C callable library interface and an 
associated OSI wrapper class, the addition of an interactive command 
shell, and the addition of a number of experimental features, such as the 
ability to solve multi-criteria MILPs, the ability to warm start the 
solution procedure, and the ability to perform basic sensitivity analyses. 
SYMPHONY's parallel execution mode has also been overhauled recently. A 
beta version of version 5.1 containing all of the above features is 
currently available in the COIN-OR repository. Under development for 
version 5.1 are an integer pre-solver and new primal heuristics.

VOL: Volume Algorithm
A paper describing the use of the volume algorithm to obtain near-optimal 
solutions to large-scale facility locations problem by F. Barahona and F. 
Chudak is available from Science Direct at 

COIN-OR is powered by volunteers. Want to get (more) involved? See 
http://www.coin-or.org/how-to-help.html. Or contact us by email: 
info at coin-or.org.  This is an informational posting sent to members of 
COIN-OR Foundation. To remove yourself from this list, visit 
http://list.coin-or.org/mailman/options/coin-members.  News items for the 
next edition should be sent to info at coin-or.org.
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