[Coin-discuss] INFORMS 2014 Final Call for Tracks, Sessions, Presentations

Matthew Saltzman mjs at clemson.edu
Fri May 9 20:55:08 EDT 2014

I'm organizing the Computing Society cluster for the 2014 INFORMS Annual
Meeting in beautiful San Francisco.  If you are interested in organizing
a track or session or contributing a presentation, Please let me know as
soon as you can.  The abstract deadline is May 15.

If you are already a session chair or speaker, please be sure to invite
your speakers or submit your abstract ASAP.  If you have any problems,
please contact me. 

The conference theme is "Bridging Data and Decisions," which is right up
our alley, so if you have research, practice experience, software,
discussion topics, or you know people who do that should be invited, let
me know.

The conference is November 9-12, 2014 at the Hilton San Francisco Union
Square and the Parc 55 Wyndham, San Francisco, California.
Matthew Saltzman
Clemson University Math Sciences
mjs AT clemson DOT edu

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