[Coin-discuss] OSI branchAndBound vs CBC

Stefan Vigerske stefan at math.hu-berlin.de
Fri May 22 06:25:52 EDT 2009


> Could you expand on OsiCbc not being used anymore? 

I remember some discussions on some list that OsiCbc is not maintained
anymore (the last change to the .cpp file was 2 years ago), and that
things like solving again after changing the instance might not work in
every case.
It probably still works when one just sets up MIP via Osi, do a solve,
and then wants a primal solution vector. Whether that gives the best
performance is another issue.

> I have software
> which depends on OsiCbc. Is there another MIP code that should be used
> instead via Osi?

Solving MIPs via Osi is generally not the best idea (see also the recent
discussion at http://list.coin-or.org/pipermail/osi/2009-April/000200.html).
If it is just solving one instance, then OsiCbc still seem to work, but
also Symphony, Glpk, and Cplex work in my experience.


Stefan Vigerske
Humboldt University Berlin, Numerical Mathematics

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