[Coin-discuss] Segfault when using CbcModel

Kim Hansen kimhanse at gmail.com
Thu Feb 7 11:16:01 EST 2008

On Feb 7, 2008 4:20 PM, John J Forrest <jjforre at us.ibm.com> wrote:
> Kim,
> Unable to build from file.  configure wants main.cc

Ups, don't know why that was missing, I have uploaded a new archive
with main.cc at:

> However you should be able to get rid of error by changing preprocess
> option.  slacks are being replaced by integer variables and in this case
> preprocessing is doing very little so you end up with one more variable
> after preprocessing than before.  This is probably what is causing problem.
> I may try and look at it.
> So change your preprocessing default/option so translate[preProcess] in
> CoinSolveCbc5.cc is 0 e.g. preProcess=1 - that should fix problem.

But this is general code that is used for solving a lot of different
MIP problems, would that have the possibility of making some other
problems a lot slower ?

Kim Hansen
Vadgårdsvej 3, 2.tv
2860 Søborg
Fastnet: 3956 2437  --  Mobil: 3091 2437

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