[Coin-discuss] Inconsistency between Osi Solves

Lou Hafer lou at cs.sfu.ca
Wed Feb 6 15:08:24 EST 2008


> [ Differing performance , OsiSym.branchAndBound vs. OsiClp.branchAndBound. ]
> Shouldn't I get the same results? Or is there any known issues with Osi?
> Can anyone shed in any light?

	What you're seeing is differences in the underlying solvers, and in the
way that the underlying solvers are called through the branchAndBound() method.
You'll likely get a different result for any OsiXXX that implements the
branchAndBound method.

	This'll be the third post I've made today that should include the phrase
`Osi.branchAndBound is a bad idea', so I'll just stop now and let someone else
voice an opinion.


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