[Coin-discuss] Open-source Modeling Languages

Brian Borchers borchers at nmt.edu
Tue Nov 20 10:30:09 EST 2007

>I am curious, why do you think users will shy away from XML more than 
>say, MPS or nl formats?  Indeed I would argue that the XML is a lot more 
>readable than MPS or nl formats.

I don't think that human readability is the major issue.  Rather, it's
the difficulty of reading/writing correct XML from a program in a
language like C or Fortran without depending on someone else's
library.  It's easy to produce an MPS file with a bunch of loops and
printf's.  Reading an MPS file is somewhat more difficult but not too
hard.  It wouldn't be nearly as easy to do the same things with the
corresponding OSiL XML.

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